A deadly accident on an illegal bike trail in a forest at Fürstenfeldbruck provided at the end of may for horror. The plant was built back in. However, in the Corona times, the bikers are always looking for new ski runs, ski jumps and steep curves. Now, also showed up at Grafrath, a wild path in the forest. This time the authorities want to engage quickly.

Grafrath–Until a few weeks ago, only a small trail led through the wooded hills close to the count, rather the District of Unteralting. Now a whole network of new Trails, ramps and jumps plating jumps the hill, which is called by the locals, due to its tree population of beech mountain. Michaela. s., which often goes there for a walk, is horrified. “This massive intervention in our beautiful nature is incredible”, says the count ratherin.

What damage the bike course caused?

The book mountain is a lateral moraine from the ice age. Michaela S. feared that the hill takes big damage to the wheel course. The unknown builders have dug up the forest floor, Branches and other Material from nature to the ramps and jumps accumulated.

+ Even jumps have built the Biker illegally.©Daschner

Started it all about a year ago with a ski-jump. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the buildings had become massively more. Their fear is that the roots of the plants will be decisively destroyed: “Which promotes the Erosion, in some Places it has washed the floor already.”

That, the forest soil is disturbed through the course, at least, is also confirmed by Günter beer Mayer from the forestry Department. Even worse, the legal consequences – also for the forest owners are, according to the Department head, but. “Security is legally a bike trail for the forest owner is not bearable,” says beer Mayer. The owner must take action against it, as he might otherwise be in an accident with a liable. But that’s not enough. With the construction of such a railway is a criminal Offense even in the room.

warning: the wheel circuit

“Any of the forest belongs to someone – either the state forests or a private owner,” said police spokesman Michael Fischer. Thus, a damage to property could exist, could come to the or the builders of the train are expensive. “In the event of a necessary dismantling of the enormous claims for damages to fall as quickly again.”

not to drive because of the risk of accident, such a course was “not the smartest way, in the terrain”. In the case of professional paths would be respected on the right slopes and angles in the hills, the police spokesman. In the case of a layman construction accidents are almost inevitable. Michael Fischer: “You can only: stay away from such self-built cars.”

bike course due to Corona built

The distance in Unteralting have well-built young people. Michaela S. has spoken with some young people. This would have told you that you have built the track, because they were able to make during the Corona-limitations nothing else. Their appeal, they had dismissed. “It’s not about to denounce someone,” stresses S.. she is now hoping that the parents influence on their children, in order for this to stop harm to the nature.

The self-built bike trail in Grafrath is already in the focus of the competent authorities. “We are going to determine the forest owners, it seems to be a private forest,” said Grafraths mayor Markus Kennerknecht on Tagblatt-demand. In addition, the system was in contact with the forestry Department. In view of the fatal accident at Bruck we will take action against the train: “We want to put as a municipality of a sign.”