The words of Eliane Houlette continue to react : on June 10, during a hearing at the national Assembly, the former head of the Parquet national financier (PNF) guaranteed to have been subjected to “pressure” during the investigation on the case Fillon. The ex-prosecutor had referred to a “monitoring very closely” that would have exercised the attorney general’s office, his authority of direct supervision, in the conduct of investigations. In an interview with the Journal du dimanche published on 21 June, Nicole Belloubet felt that it is “essential to remove the doubt deleterious” to justice. To the keeper of the Seals, ” the words of the former attorney financial have, rightly or wrongly, distilled doubt on the independence and impartiality of the judiciary in the conduct of this case “.

Friday, Emmanuel Macron has decided to refer for the opinion of the superior Council of the magistracy (CSM) to ” verify that the floor national financial has been able to exercise its activity in all serenity “. In the JDD, Nicole Belloubet explains that the GSA ” may determine whether the hierarchical power of the attorney general of Paris, which is the result of the organization of our “wooden floors to the French,” and is not objectionable in itself, has been exercised in a manner likely to impair the independence of the judiciary “. The keeper of the Seals said he is also ready, if the Council considers it necessary, conduct an inspection.

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remarks “distorted or poorly understood”

To the minister of justice, ” if the normative framework has been respected “, the instruction to open a judicial inquiry in the case of Fillon, if established, does not constitute a malfunction. “On the merits, on whether or not to open a criminal investigation, I did in my capacity as keeper of the Seals not going to vote because it is the conduct of a procedure in an individual case “, she explains. Asked by JDD on the question of the independence of the prosecutor, Nicole Belloubet reaffirmed ” in favour of the prosecutors are appointed after obtaining the assent of the CSM “. “Often confused with tie-hierarchical, yet highly controlled in its effects, and independence in judicial affairs. These are two very different things “, she says.

Friday, June 19, Éliane Houlette, for his part, said “regret” about us ” misquoted or misunderstood “, and wished to clarify that the pressures mentioned were “not on the facts alleged against Mr Fillon nor on the merits of the prosecution,” but ” were of a purely procedural nature “. The former head of the PNF insisted on the fact that ” Mr. Fillon has not been indicted at the request or under the pressure of the executive power “. His first declarations, however, have given rise to many accusations of” manipulation ” of justice in the camp of François Fillon, but also on the part of Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

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Affaire Fillon : the ex-attorney national financial ensures that having experienced ” pressure “