For the first time in their history, BFM TV, RMC and RMC Discovery are striking Wednesday to protest against planned job cuts by NextRadioTV, the media subsidiary of Altice. “This is a first edition manufactured in the special conditions after the announcement of a restructuring plan that foresees job cuts “, has repeatedly indicated to the antenna, Christophe Delay, one of the presenters of the morning’s BFM TV. “All the antennas were today disrupted on account of the anxiety caused by these projects. “

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instead of the morning Jean-Jacques Bourdin, RMC radio rediffusait until 8: 30 p.m. a broadcast of “les Grandes Gueules” and the string RMC Discovery, an episode of the Builders of the extreme. The journalist has been able to conduct his interview of the president of the national Assembly, Richard Ferrand. The morning of BFM Paris has also been disrupted.

the call of an intersyndicale, about 200 people demonstrated in front of the paris headquarters of Altice, the parent company of the group, with placards “first on the info, first on the social plane” and ” Drahison “, the name of the boss of the group, Patrick Drahi, said a journalist of the Agence France-Presse. Which is rare for a strike in the media, the news channel streaming broadcast at mid-day pictures of the event. “Social news, when it affects us, you are talking about too “, explained the journalist Alice Darfeuille.

One third of the number threatened

” We have decided to do strike today and opt to rotate the antenna, as a socially unprecedented threat the group NextRadioTV. Because we are proud of our trade and that we are attached to “, have tweeted several journalists and technicians of the chain. The last debate of the municipal to Paris is still scheduled for Wednesday night on BFM TV and BFM Paris.

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The subsidiary of media group Altice (BFM TV, RMC, RMC Sport, BFM Business, RMC Découverte, RMC Story…) was unveiled on 17 June a comprehensive plan to save and “re-conquest” to face the impact of the crisis of the Covid-19 and increased competition (particularly in sport). A collapse in advertising revenues is anticipated. It is planned to remove ” 330 to 380 CDI and up to 200 freelancers and contract workers “, that is, about one-third of the workforce, on a total of 1 600 employees, according to the intersyndicale. Contacted, the management of the group did not wish to comment at mid-day.

A new general meeting by the end of the day

the management of The group had stated at the announcement of the social plan in may that he “would commence with a phase of volunteering, the layoffs forced would be that if the number of volunteers was insufficient,” so that the savings plans that are multiplying in the media. “Our goal will be to limit as much as possible the impact on the positions permanent and to continue the excellence in editorial, while developing the technological skills and the commercial forces that are essential to NextRadioTV “, also said the group.

” We are very worried for the future. They want to remove too many jobs “, stressed Alexander Thomas, 28 years old, in charge of the build-up of emissions. “We are in the process of screwing up our business. I had to make the discussion of the [municipal] this evening. I’m not going to. With the Covid, we worked for 3 months, with very good hearings, and this is what was right. “A threat of cancellation of flat in effect on the debate of Wednesday evening, which should be opposed to Agnès Buzyn, Rachida Dati and Anne Hidalgo. “We ask them [the candidates] in the past not to come, we ask them to respect us “, has launched the micro Alban Azais, delegate CGT. A new general assembly is scheduled at 17 hours.