The floor of Besançon has decided. A nurse 51 years of age, accused of having ordered for eur 10 000 the assassination of her husband, the father of her three children, has been indicted and remanded in custody. This woman domiciled in Périgueux, has confessed before the investigators have actually proposed that this sum of money to a man to murder her husband. She says, ” have never believed “, as explained by the prosecutor of the Republic of Besançon, Stephen Coats, at a press conference.

“A hatred accumulated against her husband”

The mobile resides in ” a hatred that have accumulated over the years against her husband “, with whom she was divorcing, in a context of highly conflictual, after 25 years of common life, according to the magistrate. On April 22, a resident of Besançon, 55-year-old had filed a complaint : he claimed to have been contacted by a person claiming to have been hired by his wife to murder him. The individual had no intent to kill, but he offered evidence of what he wore in exchange of money.

This 24-year old man, and the woman accused has been placed on listening by the investigators of the judicial police of Besançon. “These wiretaps, as well as emails, were immediately made credible in this scenario,” noted the prosecutor. Writings manuscripts attributed to the sponsor alleged, and considering the assassination in the month of June have also been found in the home of the young man. The investigations have also highlighted that a contract in the amount of 10 000 euros had been spent between these two people, who met in a holiday club in the south of Italy, near Naples.

Any act preparatory to action

In police custody, the young man explained that they had received money in cash but that, contrary to what he had to believe the lady, he had never planned to kill her husband, noted Stephen Coats. Any act preparatory to passage of the act has not been found. The young man, who is domiciled in the Essonne and known to the justice for fraud, has been placed under status of witness assisted.

The nurse was indicted and incarcerated on may 15, to ” mandate criminal “, that is to say, the fact of the “contract to murder someone, even if this murder was not committed nor even attempted,” explained the magistrate. It is an offence created in 2004 and is liable of 10 years in prison.