The recent recommendation by the Zurich health Directorate disturbed by the Zurich club scene: the Coronavirus to counteract, to Events, “with many people in close physical contact in closed spaces is not performed (e.g., Clubs)”, was notified late Tuesday afternoon. The idea behind it is not that Young, in which the disease is usually mild, the infection spread and this Old compromise, which are more at risk.

night life expert Alex Flat exercises sharp criticism of the default. He speaks of “pure arbitrariness”. Flat media working for Clubs such as Hive, Friedas Büxe, and Supermarket. You all have opened, he says. Flat complained that the health Directorate would be deported, under the political leadership of Natalie Rickli (SVP) is the responsibility of the individual club operators, instead of himself determining which measures are implemented, he says.


you know the resistance of the Zurich Clubs?

Yes, the state needs to support the organisers financially.
Yes, it is a country that needs the uniform rules.
no, prevention is above all else.
don’t Know.

Yes, the state needs to support the organisers financially.


Yes, it is a country that needs the uniform rules.


no, prevention is above all else.


don’t Know.


303 votes

Yes, the state needs to support the organisers financially.


Yes, it is a country that needs the uniform rules.


no, prevention is above all else.


don’t Know.


303 votes

Angers Him, for example, that in different cantons, different rules apply. For example, the Canton sets the Grisons, the event’s ban on the Federal government’s more stringent than, for example, the Canton of Zurich. Flat calls on the authorities should finally agree on a practice.

scene puzzled about Interpretation

The scene is puzzled, too, about how the requirement is to understand exactly. Many are now calling the cantonal Hotline and ask questions. Alexander Bücheli of the Bar – and Club Commission Zurich, says: “We are with the municipal authorities and the police to Clarify how to interpret the recommendations.”

The Commission brings together the main actors of Zurich’s night life. Bücheli want to, at the earliest, on Wednesday, the first statements to the Executive Council’s recommendations and, as members of the Coronavirus, to take account of.

“An event, a ban would be economically disastrous. We will not take this anticipated.”Dominik Müller, the Club’s future

the Zurich-based Club merchants need to discuss the next steps in the first place. Meanwhile, the club of the future, already announced: “We have to be open.” Dominik Müller of the future says: “An event, a ban would be economically disastrous. We will not take this anticipated and ourselves impose.” Müller thinks that now any operation voluntarily closes. (Swiss operators are calling for compensation – read more here.)

High-impact expected

While the club owners still don’t know how it goes, the event, the prohibition of other Local already hard. Anke Stephan, managing Director of the Samsung Hall in Dübendorf, estimates that the losses due to the failure of the concerts currently on “several hundred thousand Swiss francs”. They had to cancel performances of the Duo Divertimento, or the concert of canadian singer Avril Lavigne.

If the Federal Council, the event’s ban on the 15. March, in addition to renew, could go the loss in the millions, she says. Although the hall does not occur at the concerts as a presenter, feels the lack of income, for example, because of the rental and the catering.

Also, Philip has to port, managing Director of the indoor stadium, is expecting big financial losses, also speaks of several hundred thousand francs. “And if the ban continues, it is likely to go rapidly to the top.” Zurich is the largest event locally holds around 13000 spectators and had to cancel, among other things, events such as the Show “Rock Meets Classic” with Alice Cooper.

Created: 04.03.2020, 07:19 PM