“Look around you, white men have built all the”, in English, on a nondescript white sticker, directly in front of the entrance to Zurich main station. Only a few steps away, in front of the national Museum, another Sticker with the inscription “diversity in exchange”. What is meant is that tolerance be leading towards migrants and Different to the “large population exchange”. The term stir up Right-wing Fears. For the extinction or displacement of “the white race is imminent” in Europe immediately.

The Platzspitz, a third Sticker on a lamppost. He warns: “We are under attack, get the information you need”. Who selects the QR-Code on the Sticker, come to the site from the impact of extreme media group Red Ice-rich right. There, among other things, the Holocaust is denied.

Switzerland is a Paradise for neo-Nazis and extreme right-wing propagandists. The reason is the liberal laws are: Here one can say much of what you would get in Germany or Austria, problems with the law.

In a Swiss neo-Nazi channel in the network is explained, for example, what is emerging, allegedly, in the case of “race mixing”.

The white sticker with the – at first glance, hardly eye-catching slogans to be spread by an anonymous group of supporters of “white supremacy” on the Internet. You can print, download, and on signs or lamp posts pave – this is what happened in cities in the United States and great Britain. And in the last couple of weeks in Zurich.

The stickers are a reference to the small but active neo-Nazi scene in Switzerland – and the increasing extreme right-wing Propaganda in the world. The observation of the relevant channels on the Internet for months shows: the intensity of the Agitation of the neo-Nazis has overtaken the Hetzbotschaften of Islamist terrorist groups for a long time. If something in the Thesis it is that “lone wolves” to polymerize a substantial portion of the net radical, then it is only a matter of time until the virtual hate-avalanche turns into real attacks on migrants, Jews and Different. What in the Hessian town of Hanau, with ten deaths to happen, or the failed attack on a synagogue in the hall half a year ago.

Many of the extreme right-wing hate messages spread in the German-speaking world, come from Switzerland. In a Swiss neo-Nazi channel in the network is explained, for example, which is supposedly at the “racial mixing” has been established. So mixed-race children suffer more health problems, and interracial couples to be violent than white couples.

Organisation for conspiracies

But brought right-wing Propaganda and conspiracy theories on paper from Switzerland in circulation. For example, the “Express” newspaper, ranging from the influence of extreme right-wing activists such as the Holocaust is promoted deniers Nikolai Nerling. You as “investigative topics-newspaper from Switzerland,” to read in all of this is, “what do not want to write the mass media or allowed to”. The newsletter is published eight times a year and contains no advertising. The newspaper was founded by the Swiss Buchenwald and André Barmettler Ruben. The two had worked previously in the financial industry, as they declared, 2014, in a television interview. Barmettler is now known as editor-in-chief and publisher, while book Walder is co-owner of the publisher of info-Express GmbH in Oberwil BL.

The main editors and authors of the “Express newspaper,” but come from Germany, among them author Gerhard Wisnewski, a specialist in “alternative facts”. In the most recent newspaper edition Wisnewski rants, for example, of a “hybrid war”, in which the long-term goal is a population shift from white to black skin colour. Wisnewski looks to be a great conspiracy at work By the policy promotes the use of contraceptives, vocational activities for women ease, and marriage for gay people, open, she wants to reduce the birth rate in the West.

“Factual issues”: title page of the “Express newspaper”. Avulsion: TA

Very similar to it’s sound already in the March 2017 edition of the “Express newspaper”. She wore the title of “population replacement through Migration”. In fact, the so-called refugee crisis of 2015 was not a coincidence, is there to read. “The scenario was planned from long Hand and by elites such as George Soros planned it.” The Jewish Financier Soros shows up here as a mastermind, is no coincidence. The fits to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Tilman Knechtel, in the imprint of the “Express newspaper” at the top of the editorial, has published a book with the title “The Rothschilds: One family rules the world”. In the advertising text to the book, it is about the Jewish bankers: “your whole contempt for human life demonstrated by funded the Nazis, and millions of members of their own community of faith in the death sent. But your blood thirst is not yet quenched: your target is an all-consuming third world war and a world government, controlled from Jerusalem.” This is anti-Semitism in pure culture.

Also in March 2017 edition of the free author Hagen Grell was about the “intelligence of the fugitives” skip. It is a highly controversial study from the year 2002, according to which the average intelligence quotient in the sun in Africa is considerably lower than that which had been measured in the West or in the North of Asia. To Grell: “these results of the researchers, it would mean that some peoples in Africa according to European standards, on average, are mentally disabled.”

a Muslim with A chisel

On a Social Media channel with over 7000 subscribers to the “Express newspaper, has illustrated” the intelligence quotient of the refugees with a photo of a Muslim “dentist” treating a patient with a flat chisel””. More than rudimentary hand-work, so the implicit statement, are not capable of anything Muslim refugees.

“millions of German civilians, women, children and elderly were killed demonstrably on orders from above.”

The “Express newspaper” on, “100 years of war against Germany”

a Lot of space, the historical revisionism in the tabloid of hatred against Jews. The authors tried in September 2019, the German flat-rate victim. On the 96 pages, under the title “100 years of war against Germany”is not dealt with is the Holocaust, not a word about the millions Gassed and Shot, or the concentration camps. For sentences like this: “In the first years of post-war Germany killed millions of German prisoners of war, civilians, women, children and Old evidence on orders from above.”

Such a victim of the myths often serve to take the radical people, the consciousness of injustice, to interfere with the defenseless. They can also be the assassin in Christchurch, new Zealand evidence, murdered a year ago, approximately 50 people in two mosques. His Manifesto, the Terrorist gave the title of “The great population exchange”. The apparently insane Terrorist who murdered in Hanau, Germany, ten people, said prior to his murder in a Video that the Germans were responsible, “to have the Whole of humanity up” to be lifted. On the other hand, some German would have contributed but, “the fact that we now have people, groups, races or cultures in our midst, which are in any way destructive”. He concluded that the peoples in North Africa and in Asia, including Arabs and Jews, “must be destroyed”.

people pay tribute to the victims of the extreme right-wing attack on a Shisha Bar in Hanau, Germany. Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst (Keystone)

To E-Mail questions to the “Express newspaper, responded” in the following way: Like they wanted to answer the request as soon as the newspaper “has again found a reputable, unbiased reporting and is able to ask objective questions!”.

Created: 03.03.2020, 21:28 PM