The former Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, warned the PP president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, on Monday that “it begins” by questioning the unemployment data “and ends up questioning the electoral results”, after the leader of the Popular Party has ensured that the Executive “makes up” the unemployment data.
During a speech at an informative breakfast at Forum Europe, Zapatero has made Feijóo’s words ugly, assuring that it is something “serious” in a democracy “to say that some data is made up.”
Feijóo has affirmed that the Government “has made up” the unemployment figure, since, as he explains, what with the previous legislation were considered unemployed, are now “discontinuous fixed and do not count in unemployment
“It is very serious” and “this deeply offends us because of the institutional quality of the country, of the high officials, of the public services”, continued the former president, who has recognized a “positive performance” of the Government of Pedro Sánchez in relation to the employment in Spain.
Therefore, Zapatero has asked to be “very rigorous” and “defend institutional quality”, both employment data and others, such as Health. “It is the ‘ABC’ of democracy,” he has sentenced.