
Joe Hart recently announced his retirement from football after playing his final game for Celtic. Unlike some players who transition into coaching or managing after retiring, Hart decided not to pursue coaching badges. Instead, he has chosen to share his insights and knowledge of goalkeeping through punditry.

During Euro 2024, Hart will be working for the BBC, providing a goalkeeper’s perspective on the games. As a former professional goalkeeper, Hart aims to educate viewers on the nuances of the position and help them understand the complexities involved. He plans to analyze goalkeeping performances in detail to shed light on the various factors that can affect a goalkeeper’s performance.

Despite being new to punditry, Hart is eager to learn and improve in this role. He acknowledges that transitioning from being an active player to a retired professional feels strange, as he had spent over 20 years in the sport. Hart’s experience playing for England in major tournaments has given him unique insights into the game, and he is excited to share his perspective with viewers.

Looking ahead to Euro 2024, Hart believes that England has a strong chance of winning the tournament. He is familiar with many of the players in the squad and has played under manager Gareth Southgate. Hart praises Southgate’s leadership and the team’s camaraderie, emphasizing the importance of a cohesive and focused squad in achieving success at a major tournament.

While supporting England, Hart also expresses his interest in seeing his Scottish friends and former teammates from Celtic perform well in the tournament. He values his personal connections with players from various teams and wishes them success on the biggest stage of European football. Hart’s experience of competing against friends in past tournaments has given him a new perspective on being able to support them from the sidelines this time.

As Euro 2024 unfolds, Hart’s role as a pundit will not only provide viewers with expert analysis of goalkeeping performances but also offer a unique viewpoint from someone who has experienced the highs and lows of international tournaments. His passion for goalkeeping and dedication to sharing his knowledge will make his contributions to the broadcast valuable and insightful for fans watching the games.