People in Saxony-Anhalt can expect overcast skies and precipitation in the coming days. On Friday, rain will spread from west to east, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced. There is still a risk of slippery conditions, especially in the morning. The maximum temperatures are between zero and plus three degrees.
It will remain cloudy on Saturday night, but by midnight the precipitation will move away. The temperatures drop to minus one, in the Upper Harz to minus three degrees. It will also be cloudy on Saturday, but it will remain mostly free of precipitation. The maximum temperatures are five to eight degrees, in the Harz it is two to five degrees.
Sunday night will also remain cloudy. It may rain at times. Temperatures drop to four to two degrees, in the Upper Harz to zero degrees. It remains similar during the day: The sky is cloudy and there is a possibility of rain showers. The maximum temperatures are seven to nine degrees, in the Harz it is four to seven degrees.
Weather report