Penal orders have been issued against two women who are said to have given the conspiracy ideologist Attila Hildmann information about the arrest warrant against him for violating official secrets. The two 33 and 35-year-old women are sisters and have worked for the general public prosecutor’s office and the public prosecutor’s office in Berlin, the public prosecutor announced on Monday. They should now pay fines.
Both were released from service after the allegations became known. They no longer worked for the authorities. As an employee of the IT department of the Attorney General’s Office, the 33-year-old is said to have queried in the registry system in November 2020 which proceedings were being conducted against Hildmann.
She is said to have sent him the list along with the name of the responsible public prosecutor and offered to keep him up to date. In February 2021, she is said to have informed him and an unknown user via the Telegram messenger service that an arrest warrant had been issued.
The 35-year-old copied files as a reproduction technology specialist at the public prosecutor’s office. She is said to have taken photos of the arrest warrant against Hildmann and sent them to him. The public prosecutor’s office requested a fine of 70 daily rates of 50 euros for her and 180 daily rates of 15 euros for the sister. However, the penal orders are not yet final. A penal order may sometimes be issued in lieu of a judgment.
Hildmann, who became known as a cook, appeared as a conspiracy ideologue during the corona crisis. The German judiciary has accused him of incitement to hatred and public incitement to commit crimes. Hildmann is wanted on an international arrest warrant, he is said to have gone into hiding in Turkey.