Just applied, the paint is already off again. Nail polish that gives up and peels off at the slightest confrontation with the outside world isn’t worth the money. Stiftung Warentest had test subjects and cosmetics experts check 20 red paints for opacity, gloss and durability, including digging through pebbles. Two products are test winners – but none is “very good”.

Some take forever to dry, others discolor their nails – more than half of the nail polishes tested have weak spots and only deliver a satisfactory result. This also includes the popular vegan paint from Gitti (4.95 euros). The two test winners, who are in no way inferior in quality, do it better.

Both the paint from Dior and that from Essie deliver not only great coverage but also the best results in terms of durability. They withstood everyday stresses for up to five days. However, Dior charges a proud 15.50 euros for five milligrams, Essie’s nail polish is already available for 3.70 euros.

The surprise: the cheap paint from Essence is also “good” and at a price of 1.12 euros an unbeatable price-performance winner. Many expensive brands cannot compete. Benecos provided the worst paint in the test. He promises “Natural Beauty Happy Nails 20-free” for 4 euros. Warentest not only complains that consumers are not directly aware of what this actually means, but also that the provider does not keep the advertising promise. The testers found two ingredients in the nail polish that, according to the manufacturer, should not actually be included. Warentest deducts points for this and evaluates it as “sufficient”.

Not only the paint itself, but also the handling is decisive for the result. Applying twice gives better results. If top coat is also brushed on, this protects the color from scratches. Patience is required until the nail polish is dry. According to Warentest, blowing, blow drying and other attempts to speed up the process are not advisable as they can impair the result. To keep the nail polish itself “fresh” for as long as possible, we recommend storing the bottles in a cool, dark place.

The complete nail polish comparison can be found on test.de