The Bari Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Russian soldiers on Ukrainian civilians. The Bari investigation file is opened against unknown persons for “international collaboration on crimes of aggression”.

It follows Eurojust’s request to prosecutors at the International Criminal Court and in the various member states to “preserve, analyze and archive evidence relating to crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine”. In Bari, the investigation, delegated to the police, is coordinated by the prosecutor Roberto Rossi and the adjunct Francesco Giannella.

The stories of numerous refugees fleeing the war and arriving in Puglia in recent weeks have already been collected in the investigation file. According to investigative sources, all those arriving, especially by plane from Krakow, are heard by the police. “Terrible tales” say the investigators, on whose contents they keep the utmost confidentiality. Among the crimes that could be hypothesized once all the testimonies have been collected, there are also sexual crimes, but above all murders and violence of all kinds.