Whether a year abroad, a longer break abroad or a trip around the world – for longer stays abroad, travel health insurance for long-term stays should be taken out, advises Stiftung Warentest. This applies to trips with a stay of six weeks or more.
Why all this? Anyone who falls ill or has an accident while on holiday has to dig deep into their pockets, depending on the destination. Because: The statutory health insurance does not pay for every medical treatment abroad. Even if the circle of twelve stars of the EU flag is emblazoned on the back of the health card of statutory insured persons, this unfortunately does not mean that the costs for treatment in other EU countries are always covered by the domestic health insurance company.
Although the health insurance usually pays for the treatment of acute complaints, a personal contribution may be due. And: The health card is valid for a temporary stay in EU countries, countries of the European Economic Area and some countries with which there is a social security agreement.
Travelers who want to discover the world for a few weeks should therefore look for an international travel health insurance that offers a tariff for long-term stays. It helps when travelers have an accident or suddenly become ill. The price of such insurance depends, among other things, on whether it applies worldwide or only for Europe, for example. Stiftung Warentest examined 82 tariffs from 27 providers.
Stiftung Warentest included the general conditions, the medical services, the assumption of medical repatriation or transfer, services in the event of a crisis and the comprehensibility of the insurance conditions in the evaluation.
Of the 55 tariffs for all age groups, 28 received the grade “very good”. But: If you want to take out health insurance for travel abroad, you should definitely compare the prices. Because: There are big price differences. As a rule, the tariffs become more expensive with increasing age. The cheapest and worldwide valid tariff is from the LVM “ARTop with extension”. Travelers up to the age of 59 pay 476 euros here. 60 to 74 year olds 1414 euros and from 75 years 2851 euros are due. For offers without the USA and Canada, the “ReiseMed Tariff AS 12 R Abroad without America” ??from the DKV performs best – for everyone up to the age of 24 with 468 euros for one year.
Anyone who falls ill or has an accident while on holiday and could be better cared for in Germany needs a return transport. With the exception of the “Alte Oldenburger”, all insurers tested already accept this if it makes medical sense. Meaningful means, for example, if someone in Germany can recover faster and better.
Important: If you have a chronic illness, you should clarify before taking out insurance whether the insurer will also pay if treatment is required due to the chronic illness. If you need prescription medication, you should find out beforehand how large the quantity is that you can take abroad. In addition, doctors in Germany can only prescribe the required medication for three months. Prescriptions can also be issued abroad. For a doctor’s visit abroad, a letter from the family doctor with the name of the active ingredient, the amount of active ingredient, the dosage form and the dosage is required, informs Stiftung Warentest. But: Not all drugs that are available in Germany are also available abroad or are approved there.
In emergencies, vacationers can contact their insurance companies via emergency numbers. The product testers advise consulting the insurer before expensive treatment or ambulance transport. It should always be asked for receipts that doctors write in English and on which their own name is noted.
Depending on the country of travel, it may also be necessary to provide proof of health insurance for entry, such as when visiting Cuba. Anyone staying in Qatar for 30 days or more must take out health insurance with an insurer registered there.
The complete test (which requires an account) can be found at Stiftung Warentest!