The Alicante Provincial Council will invest more than 1.5 million euros in 18 actions that will be carried out in the municipalities of Benasau and Benilloba with aid from the Cerca and Planifica plans. This has been confirmed by the deputy for Infrastructure, Javier Gutiérrez, during the visit made this Thursday to the towns to learn in detail the status of the projects subsidized by the provincial institution.

The head of Infrastructures has remarked that “we are going to contribute to a great transformation of these municipalities with extremely useful works that have been possible thanks to the investment of 6 million euros in L’Alcoià and El Comtat with the Cerca plans, our commitment against the Cooperation Fund of the Generalitat and the true tool against depopulation».

Gutiérrez lamented that with this fund “only 1.6 million would have reached the Alicante municipalities of these regions and that is what is going to happen from next year due to the lack of will of the Botànic negotiator and its lack of sensitivity with the Small municipalities, the big losers.

The deputy, accompanied by the first deputy mayor, Ignacio Palmer, highlighted “the importance of this investment injection in towns such as Benasau, with 150 inhabitants, where nine actions will be carried out that will have 664,000 euros from the Provincial Council.”

During the visit to the municipality, the provincial official went to the construction site of the Ares del Bosc playground with a total budget of 24,000 euros, 100% subsidized by the provincial institution.

This action is part of the Plan Más Cerca 2020 to which improvements have also been added to the municipal sports center, investments in the supply system and a tourist information and promotion plan with virtual assistance. The mayor has also explained the projects that the municipality plans to develop with the 157,380 euros that correspond to Benausau with the Closer Plan 2022.

On the other hand, thanks to the 339,800 euros of the Plan Plan, it will be possible to carry out such important actions for Benasau as improvements to the Town Hall, installation of lighting, security cameras and sidewalk repair in the section that connects the municipality with the district of Ares del Bosc and replacement of the roof and pavement in the laundry room.

The head of Infrastructure has also visited the municipality of Benilloba, accompanied by its mayor, José Ramón Martí, to check the status of the reinforcement works on the pavement in the Camí de les Neves with a total budget of more than 48,000 euros within the Plan Closer.

Gutiérrez has confirmed that in this municipality a total of nine actions will be carried out with more than 842,000 euros of aid from the Cerca and Planifica plans of the Infrastructure area of ​​the Diputación.

The first mayor has detailed that “improvements are going to be made in sports services, roads and spaces for children’s recreation with the Nearby plans and has highlighted that with Planifica important improvements will be made in the municipal soccer field and the construction of a parking and a new park.

The Plan Cerca subsidies will rise this year to 152,370 euros in this population and, with the 2021 plan, works highly demanded by the population have been developed, such as the adaptation of playgrounds and improvements in access to the urban area.

With Planifica, Benilloba receives nearly 360,000 euros from the Diputación de Alicante with which 95% of the construction of the public park on Calle Virgen de los Dolores, the car park at the entrance to the House of Culture and the reinforcement in the pavement and replacement of the sewage system in San Cristóbal and San Antonio streets.