Not since december 2008 have there been so few recipients of the kontanthjælpsydelser, as the case was in september.

the Number of recipients of social assistance and public transfers – is at its lowest level in 11 years.

In september there was 121.300 recipients of kontanthjælpsydelser. This is a decrease of 800 beneficiaries in relation to the month before.

It shows data from Statistics Denmark.

Thus, the continuation of a steady decline in the number of recipients of benefits. The decline has been going on since the beginning of 2016.

In the period is, in average, 1200 fewer recipients each month.

Statistics Denmark’s figures include recipients of cash assistance, uddannelseshjælp, integrationsydelse, rehabilitation and similar services.

Although Denmark’s Statistics describe a clear development, one should be cautious to take for granted that the number of citizens on social assistance and similar transfers will continue to fall.

It takes chief economist Erik Bjørsted from the Labour movement Business council.

– It is really positive that there continue to be fewer people on social assistance. Tailwind to the Danish labour market is not as strong as it has been, says Erik Bjørsted in a written comment.

– the Doors open no longer quite so easy for people on the edge of the labour market, and therefore it is not a matter of course, to the number of benefit claimants is falling, he continues.

the chief competition economist warns against, to “lose the prize”, which is achieved by getting more people out on the labour market.

He believes that it is especially the young and unskilled, which must be in focus, if the number of citizens on transfer payments should be kept at a low level.

– Therefore, we must build on top of with training and education so that the people who today find themselves on the edge of the labour market, can achieve a closer and stronger attachment to the labour market, says Erik Bjørsted.

At the Left believes beskæftigelsesordfører Hans Andersen, that a part of the development can be attributed to that Left by the government introduced a ceiling on how much citizens can receive in public services.

Thus it was more attractive to work, is the party’s view.

– Many people have changed the social assistance out of a job. It is good for the individual, and it is good for society, ” says Hans Andersen.
