It aims to modernize the application used in the electronic processing of employment regulation files, among others


The Council of Ministers has authorized the modification of the spending limits charged to future years to enable the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy to modernize and digitize its different departments, as well as certain services and administrative procedures related to employment.

This authorization is produced in order to cover the commitments derived from Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, which approves urgent measures for the modernization of the Public Administration and for the execution of Component 11 of the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR), whose budget needs for the next years from 2023 to 2025 amount to a total of 20,505,213.53 euros.

Upon exceeding the limits referred to in Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, authorization from the Council of Ministers is required to increase the maximum expenditure commitments charged to future years for 2023 in both budget applications.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Economy requested authorization to modify the limits to acquire spending commitments charged to future years for the year 2023, in the applications 19.50.24KB ‘Digitalization tractor projects of the General State Administration. Promotion of Employment’ and 19.50.28KB ‘Digitalisation tractor projects of the General State Administration. Management and Administration of Work and Social Economy’, whose budget credits in 2022 are 3,291,100 and 5,170,000 euros, respectively.

The modification of the spending limit is aimed at attending to a series of projects, related to modernizing the computer application used in the electronic processing of employment regulation files, digital services in the field of employment, the improvement of statistics, cybersecurity, development of digital jobs, modernization of mobile applications, artificial intelligence and citizen satisfaction, among others.

The aforementioned projects may include one or several contracts and will be distributed between two programs, as explained by the Executive in the references of the Council of Ministers. For the calculation of the previous forecasts, the tender amounts, VAT and an increase of 10% have been taken into account, without prejudice to the subsequent adjustment of the final amount executed. In addition, in 2022 other additional projects are pending for an amount close to one million euros.