There was talk about sexual harassment as a male teacher in property law at Copenhagen University allegedly attempted to clarify the curriculum by giving obscene examples.

It has the board for equal treatment recently determined.

“You go to a hooker and must have a bread, what are, respectively, head – and biforpligtelse in the service?” asked the teacher of the students.

It was a student violated over and thus complained to the University over the teacher’s behavior. Later complained she to the board for equal treatment, which now puts a line under, that the teacher behaved in violation of the equal treatment act.

The complaint to the university, it appears that the female students perceived the teacher’s examples as ‘both offensive and inappropriate.’

For a second lecture was to the male teacher to explain the difference between real estate for business or residential.

He asked the students whether the university could be characterised as residential, if someone spent the night, and used the question:

“What if (another teacher at the university) shagging his secretary in the office after the christmas party?,” he said.

The male teacher has not disputed, that the statements have been made.

It appears by the decision of the board for equal treatment, the University of Copenhagen to regret, ‘that the teacher is content with the opinions of the complaints were deemed to be insulting to her.’ According to the university has the teacher gotten positive slutevalueringer of the students.’

And the faculty have not otherwise have found circumstances that have given rise to, on its own initiative to take action against the teacher, says.

nevertheless, the female complaints been upheld by the tribunal. However, she is not entitled to compensation, since the statements were made across a large group of students, and not against the complainant personally.