Lidl in Denmark has joined in klimakamp with groceries-the competition and will be CO2-neutral in 2020.

on Friday, reports the Lidl Denmark into climate action among dagligvarebutikkerne. The chain has decided to switch to buying electricity from renewable sources and in addition go after to be CO2-neutral.

CO2-neutrality include the discharge, which Lidls Danish shops and cars emit, and the emissions associated with the energy, as the chain buyer.

Lidl is not the first with a climate strategy. Both the Coop, which operates the chains Kvickly, Irma and Brugsen, as well as the Salling Group, which operates the Føtex, Bilka and Netto, has previously presented climate strategies.

the Coop has a plan to reduce its emissions by 75 percent by 2020, and in 2030 the group’s CO2 accounts, just go in the zero – Coop must, overall, have negative emissions, thus pulling more CO2 out of the atmosphere than is being emitted.

It is possible, because the Coop plans to fund the planting of forests, which absorb CO2 and thus counts as a minus in the Coops accountable.

Salling Group has a goal of reducing its energy consumption by 10 percent from 2015 to 2020.

Aldi is part of an international group with a common goal to have a 40 percent lower CO2 emissions in 2021.

At Lidl in Denmark explains the development and ejendomsdirektør Mads T. Nielsen, that the major challenge of reducing CO2 emissions is power consumption – and particularly to refrigeration systems.

in Order to equalize the power consumption will Lidl in Denmark in the future only to buy power produced by renewable energy sources. It leads in a CO2 accounting for a net-zero, as the Lidls power thus seen in isolation, not associated with any CO2 emissions.

– We change the power source. We go over the switches for the power produced from wind or water, says Mads T. Nielsen.

– On the long term, we would like to produce a lot of green power. For this, we think, is the right way to do it.

– But we are also aware that it takes a lot of time to put a lot of wind turbines up on our parking spaces, and it is our world is probably not ready for yet.

the power Consumption is 78 percent of Lidls Danish CO2-emissions. To get the remaining items equalized, Lidl going to buy CO2 allowances.

the quota System works is that you buy permission to emit CO2 on a stock exchange. In theory, the stock exchange increase the price to emit CO2. But there is a large surplus of allowances, which has hammered the price of allowances in the bottom.

Thus, a quota purchase in reality end up functioning more like discharge than a limitation of CO2 emissions.
