Did you know that each of us consumed around 8.7 liters of ice cream in the summer of 2018? The most popular varieties still include classics such as vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. There are far more options for creating extraordinary ice cream flavors yourself. And all without an ice cream maker. We’ll tell you the most important ingredients and present you with a delicious recipe that also works without animal products.

If you want to make your own ice cream, you have the great advantage of knowing exactly what ingredients were used. This is particularly important for allergy sufferers or people with food intolerance such as lactose intolerance. You can also use regional and seasonal products – from certified organic farming.

Ingredients for a classic milk ice cream (makes approx. half a liter of ice cream):

The dairy products can of course also be replaced with vegan coconut, almond or soy milk. To bind the mass, locust bean gum or coconut flour are a good alternative to eggs.

The preparation:

In the first step, cream, milk and sugar are heated in a saucepan – not boiled! The egg yolk is then whisked and slowly poured into the pot while stirring. Last but not least, the ice cream mixture is stirred and heated until the desired consistency is achieved. Once the mixture has cooled completely, it needs to be placed in a bowl or ice cream mold in the freezer for several hours.

Tip: To make the ice cream even more melt-in-the-mouth, it should be stirred once after the first hour in the freezer when the mixture has thawed, and then every half hour thereafter (approx. four to six times).

The ingredients (make about four portions of ice cream):

The preparation:

Tip: Save some nuts and Snickers pieces to garnish theĀ ice cream!

You can find even more ideas for homemade ice cream in this recipe book, for example.

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