A 21-year-old German’s vacation in Mallorca ended fatally. As the local newspaper “Ultima Hora” reports, among others, the tourist was found lifeless and covered in blood in the backyard of his hotel at Balneario 1 on Playa de Palma in S’Arenal. Attempts to resuscitate the young man failed. Only his death could be determined.

What exactly happened is still unclear. So far, however, there are many indications that it was an accident, according to the “Ultima Hora”. The 21-year-old is said to have returned to their room in the two-star hotel “Sol de Mallorca” with two friends on Monday night around 3 a.m. after partying. After arriving, the victim is said to have gone out onto the balcony to smoke a cigarette while his friends went to sleep. The 21-year-old could possibly have sat on the railing and fallen over the parapet.

When the two friends woke up on Whit Monday, their friend was not in the room. They started looking for him. At around 8:20 a.m. they saw him lying in the hotel’s courtyard from their balcony, covered in blood.

Since a crime cannot be ruled out at the moment, the Policia Nacional’s homicide squad has taken over the investigation. The German tourist’s body was taken to the Forensic Medicine Institute in Palma for an autopsy, as “Bild” reports.

This is the second accident in May in which a tourist from Germany died on the so-called Ballermann. Just two weeks ago, a 23-year-old died in a fall. The exact circumstances are still being investigated by the authorities. According to previous findings, the young man was attacked at night after a party and lost his hotel key. While drunk, he is said to have tried to climb over the facade onto the balcony of his room.

Sources: Ultima Hora, image, with material from DPA