Paul Piché completed his “40 springs” at Place Bell on Thursday evening, where he presented his final show in a more than festive atmosphere.

Surrounded by Émile Bilodeau, Marc Hervieux, Laurence Jalbert and several other artists who also participated in the album of the same name released in 2019, the singer finally concluded his “40 spring” tour, after having postponed it three times. over the past two years due to the pandemic.

For the occasion, he revisited, with his guests, his great folk and catchy successes which rocked his 40 years – and dust – of career, including “A sand castle” with 2Frères, “La jigue à Mitchouano” with Vincent Vallières, “That’s what we want” with Marie-Élaine Thibert and “Because I love you” with Daniel Boucher.

Of course, he played his classics, anchored in the cultural heritage of the Belle Province, “There’s not much in the sky”, “The staircase” and “Heureux d’un Printemps”, for which 2 Brothers and Vincent Vallières tuned their guitar a second time during the show.

It did not take long before the “party grabbed” in Place Bell. From the third song, the public had completely let go of their embarrassment to dance and sing at the top of their voices to the frank and committed lyrics of the singer who was once an archaeologist.

The party also had the air of National Day, Thursday, with the blue stage lights and the trees planted in the decor, but also with all these artists who followed one another, then reunited for “Mon Joe” at the end of the concert, and the singer’s conscientious speeches on the resources and the territory he held between the songs.

Overall, the show was pretty static, albeit well done. The guest artists took turns onstage, played their tune with Paul – who was in remarkable shape, let’s face it – and returned backstage afterwards. The host of the party left the central stage at certain times, in particular to join his friend Marc Hervieux, on a secondary stage in the middle of the floor, for the interpretation of “The streams”.

Stéphanie St-Jean (“I tell stories”) and Léo Piché also took part in the party. The father and son also performed a duet “Stop”, a song they wrote together. Damien Robitaille, who was to be present on Thursday evening, finally had to stay home due to the still-present COVID-19.

Initially, the “40 Printemps” show was to be held only at the Bell Center and the Videotron Center. The series of shows will have finally seen the trees budding five times and will have attracted 75,000 faithful. Along the way, the concept led to the disc “40 Printemps”, which also celebrates the work of Paul Piché over the past four decades.