The Platform of People Affected by the 2021 Cumbre Vieja Volcano eruption denounces that there are still no answers. The aid does not arrive for the majority and the promised financing remains “in a wish more than a reality”. They allege that barely a hundred of those who lost their homes due to the volcano have received a housing solution and assure that uncertainty remains among those affected, nine months after the start of the activity and five since the eruption ended.

The Platform wonders “where are the 30,000 euros announced by the Government of the Canary Islands?” in the Reconstruction Commission prior to the Conference of Presidents.

In this appointment at the Casa Salazar, in the palm capital, Ángel Víctor Torres announced the impulse of the administrations

to support the affected families, with 30,000 euros more for those who have lost a home, a figure that is complemented by the Cabildo palmero with another 10,000 euros which, together with the 60,000 from the central government, bring the total to 100,000, much higher than the 15,000 initially planned. However, “more than two months have passed since this announcement (March 12) and that aid of 30,000 euros from the Government of the Canary Islands is a mere wish and is not a reality” since “it has not been published in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands and it is not known what the criteria and requirements for it are either.

To date, those affected see that “the aid of 60,000 euros has not been paid to all those affected despite the fact that nine months have elapsed since the eruption”, and although the Cabido de La Palma has begun to pay the aid of 10,000 euros to those affected “many affected are missing to receive it”.

The aid of goods from the Government of the Canary Islands of 10,000 euros “has not been paid to all those affected but only to those affected who have been given social housing under a lease.” The most bloody case is for those who lost their first home or habitual residence, which are almost 600 and “only one hundred, that is, 20% of those affected, have been given a leased home”, and therefore “We are left with more than 400 affected to whom the Government of the Canary Islands seven months later has not given a housing solution.”

To date, the platform denounces “neither has the rental aid been paid to those affected who have opted for the rental regime” and the aid of 30,000 euros from the Government of the Canary Islands “essential for those affected” is neither “nor approved , nor published, in short, nor is it nor is it expected ».

The “necessary state law decree” for the expropriation of the land affected by the floods and the corresponding compensation to the owners with an appraisal value as of September 18, 2021, which has been prepared by the College of Notaries, “has not been initiated either. processing in the Congress of Deputies nor has it received the support of either the Government of the Canary Islands or the Government of Spain”.

The Platform denounces that the law of the rights of those affected presented by the Platform of affected in the Parliament of the Canary Islands is still not processed as a bill, while the statutes of the Consortium for the reconstruction of La Palma presented by the Platform of Affected before the Parliament of the Canary Islands have not been processed as a bill either.

To date, they point out, the technical, legal and economic reasons why the road from La Laguna to Las Norias, that is, the old LP-213, cannot be the true road that a the Aridane Valley as before the volcano and therefore that in this way the coastal highway is not built, thus avoiding the expropriations that have to be carried out.