The self-declared nuclear power, North Korea has resumed after a three-month Pause of its missile tests again. North Korea fired on Monday, two missiles, which was probably ballistic missiles of short-range, told South Korea’s General staff.

for A more detailed analysis will be jointly conducted with the US authorities. UN resolutions for North Korea to say the testing of ballistic missiles, which can, depending on the design, also nuclear warheads. It was the first missile test of because of its nuclear weapons program, the isolated country since the end of November.

The South Korean military had initially spoken of two unidentified projectiles that have been fired in the neighboring country in the direction of the open sea. The bullets had been fired at Wonsan on the East coast and about 240 miles in the direction of the open sea flew. Also, Japan’s defense Minister confirmed the weapons tests and was the first to speak of two “ballistic missiles”.

South Korea’s military regretted the Tests. They were of little use, “to reduce the tensions on the Korean Peninsula”. It is suggested that the Tests could have been carried out in the framework of the ongoing maneuvers of the North Korean people’s army. North Korea’s state media reported last Friday, ruler Kim Jong-un have followed an artillery Exercise on the spot.

Recently tested North Korea at the end of November, the missiles that were sent out, according to South Korea of a large multiple rocket launchers. Since then, North Korea took first distance from the further Tests.

In South Korea has been speculated that the disruption might possibly have with Pyongyangs strict measures against the dissemination of the Covid-19-exciter. Previously it was reported in the country no infection case with the new Coronavirus.

New strategic weapon

observers announced suspect that North Korea wanted to demonstrate with the recent weapons test of strength. This is probably one of the points wanted to stress North Korea, in particular since the Meeting of the Central Committee of the workers ‘ party at the end of December 2019, with: “National security is a priority of Kim Jong-un, despite Covid-19,” wrote North Korea expert Ankit Panda on Twitter.

North Korea’s rulers had threatened the completion of the party meeting, the world will experience in the near future, a “new strategic weapon” in his country. Kim also explained that Pyongyang see in principle no longer be a Moratorium on Tests of nuclear bombs and Intercontinental missiles bound.

Background and the floor are the nuclear negotiations with the Communist leadership with the United States. Since the failed summit of the two countries meet in February 2019 in Vietnam, talks are not progressing.

foreign connections set

in view of the crisis Covid-19 North Korea had all the country-, train – and flight connections to foreign countries-set – for diplomats. All foreigners in the country were placed under quarantine.

From the foreign office in Berlin, it was said a few days ago, North Korea had announced it would organize a flight for would-be emigrants, foreigners from Pyongyang to Vladivostok in Russia. According to CNN, this is a flight for this Friday, is planned. (Dec/sda)

Created: 02.03.2020, 10:01 PM