The food banks of Castilla y León are already prepared for the spring-summer collection campaign that will take place next week between May 30 and June 4. Six supermarket chains and the ten solidarity entities join forces and with more than 300 stores in the capitals and provinces they will continue with the formula of donations in cash and not with physical food.

Everything collected will be distributed in the nine provinces and it will be those responsible for the establishments who will inform customers of the system that began in the pandemic and that will now continue because it is “simpler and more efficient”, as detailed this Friday by the president of the Federation of Food Banks of Castilla y León, Jesús Mediavilla.

Customers will be able to donate the economic amount they wish when paying for their purchase, a formula that will double the amount that was collected through donations in kind.

“Not a single euro of what is collected will remain in supermarkets,” said the president of the regional association of these establishments, José Daniel Posadas, who assured that the new collection mechanism will help banks acquire the products they really require. . “Nobody knows better than the banks what the people who need it most need,” he explained.

In 2021, they served more than 65,000 people, of which 20,000 are children, Mediavilla has indicated, who has indicated that the forecast is that in 2022 20 percent more people will be served due to the increase in prices and the Ukraine war.