We learned this information from the firefighters and the prefecture. A man of unknown age and “probably” a migrant died in Calais after being hit by a freight train.

According to Pas-de-Calais firefighters, the emergency services were called for a pedestrian of undetermined age who was struck by a freight train at chemin Castre at 6:02 AM. The man died from the shock, despite emergency services intervention.

The Pas-de-Calais Prefecture confirmed the death and stated that it was likely that he was a migrant. An investigation was currently underway to determine his cause of death.

Many hundreds of migrants including Iraqis, Iranians and Sudanese are living in camps along the French coast, hoping to cross to England.

On March 1, a 25-year-old Sudanese immigrant died after being struck by a train as he walked along Marck’s railway track. Marck is a nearby town to Calais.

A similar accident happened just a few hundred metres away on November 4. A train struck a group comprising four migrants travelling on the tracks between Dunkirk & Calais. The accident resulted in one death, one serious injury, and two minor injuries.

A Sudanese 18-year old migrant died in Marck on January 15. He was crushed by a truck that he fell from as he tried to enter it. One month prior, another 16-year old Sudanese teenager died in Marck after falling from a large weight at the Transmarck business parks.

A migrant was “hanged” in a trailer that had been parked in Transmarck’s parking lot on May 11. According to the prosecution, suicide is the most probable explanation.

According to the Channel’s maritime prefecture and the North Sea in the Channel, 31 people died and four others were missing during the Channel’s perilous crossings in 2021. Another death occurred in 2022.