According to a report, 8,886 people in Germany have so far applied for recognition of corona vaccination damage. This was reported by “Zeit Online” on Thursday; the portal relies on a query of data in all 16 federal states. Around 40 percent of the applications – a total of 3488 pieces – have been processed by the authorities so far. Of these, only 379 cases were recognized. The recognition rate is around eleven percent.

According to “Zeit Online”, most applications were made in Bavaria with 2100, the fewest with 79 in Bremen. Based on the number of vaccinated people in Thuringia were particularly keen to apply. For every 100,000 people vaccinated, the state administration office there received more than 22 applications for recognition of vaccination damage, almost twice as many as the German average. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bavaria follow in second and third place. All five eastern German states are among the seven federal states with the highest application rates.

The recognition rates vary greatly between the federal states. According to the report, Bavaria, for example, has so far approved ten percent of the applications, North Rhine-Westphalia, with 21 percent, more than twice as many. The differences could be due, among other things, to the fact that in some federal states promising applications are processed with priority, reported “Zeit Online”.

When asked about the most common diseases that were recognized as vaccine damage, six federal states either did not provide any information or said that the diagnoses were not statistically recorded. The other federal states name inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) and cases of sinus vein thrombosis, sometimes in connection with a lack of blood platelets, as diagnoses that are often recognized.

This combination was noticed as a very rare but serious side effect with AstraZeneca’s corona vaccine, as a result of which the vaccine was no longer vaccinated in many countries. Another side effect of this vaccine is Guillain-Barré Syndrome, an inflammation in the nervous system that often manifests as paralysis. This disease has also been repeatedly recognized as a vaccine damage in many federal states.

People who think they have been affected by vaccination damage can submit an application for recognition of vaccination damage in the federal state in which they were vaccinated – for example in order to receive a monthly pension.

Another source: “Zeit Online”.