The leader of the PPCV, Carlos Mazón, has asked this Saturday the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, “how is it possible that he keeps Mónica Oltra guarding the minors of the Valencian Community”.

Mazón has spoken like this in El Perelló, asked about the statement of the Prosecutor’s Office in favor of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community investigating Oltra for the management of his Department in the case of abuse of a minor in care. In fact, the Public Ministry indicates that there are “relevant indications” against Oltra and urges that “as many steps as are necessary to complete the investigation and to determine the degree of participation of the vice president” be carried out.

The president of the popular Valencians has considered it “inexplicable” that President Puig “keeps her number two in his government

». “He does not have a pass, but not because of the decision of a prosecutor at a certain procedural moment, but because of everything that has happened so far, with Oltra talking about hunts, when the only victim has been a girl,” he pointed out.

Mazón has asked “what else has to happen for a decision of dignity to be made, in the same week in which we have seen bills that compromise the PSPV and in which the president of the Generalitat himself has been erased from the financing debate. Puig is missing.