The Coronavirus has led to the beginning of the spring session, for a dispute under the Federal house dome: Council President Isabelle Moret prohibition of SVP national councillor, Magdalena Martullo-to-wear Blocher, in the Council chamber, a protective mask.

“she told me, I had to take off the mask,” said Martullo-Blocher (GR), the news Agency Keystone-SDA. The rightly rejected and left the Council chamber. You have not yet decided whether they will return without a mask in the hall, or the debate, keep a distance, said Martullo-Blocher.

“I don’t want anybody to infect”

she wanted anyone infected, she explained. Some members of the Council belonged to the risk groups. In addition, rule in the Council, where seats for a long time and close to each other, there is an increased risk of infection. You don’t think the decision is correct. The have to do with personal freedom, said the Federal councillor.

The Canton of Vaud FDP national councillor Moret has implemented a decision of an administrative delegation, the exercise of the right. It was of the opinion that the Mask is displayed when a Person feel sick and declared the parliamentary services on request.

someone Should wear in the Parliament building, a mask, referred to the Person, and the symptoms of illness are asked to contact immediately a doctor. If the Person have no symptoms, you will not be asked to wear the mask in the building, to give no false signals.

No questions to travel in high-risk areas

In the eyes of Martullo-to-wear Blocher it’s the wrong Signal, no mask. In addition, the Parliament is not operating consistently: they had not even been asked if you’ve traveled to a risk area, although this was in the Canton of Berne provision. The mask Martullo has-Blocher from your operation. For the case of epidemics, a stock of hygiene masks is always present.

Meanwhile, the administrative delegation has restricted the access to Parliament buildings. As of Monday afternoon, journalists had a easier days of the accreditation no longer has access to the Parliament building.


Created: 02.03.2020, 16:29 PM