Italy relies on drastic measures in the fight against the Coronavirus. After a moving crisis meeting, the Roman government decided on Wednesday evening to close immediately, all schools and universities in the country – including all those outside the most affected regions in the North of Italy. Until the middle of March. It is the aim that the Virus is spreading in the South.

The Numbers of infections and deaths had risen in recent days. Italy now counts more than 2500 contagion cases. Only in China, South Korea, and in Iran there are still more infections. Finally, the number of new cases grew up in Italy even more than in China. Beijing therefore decided to set up an entry stop for Italians. India shall not issue any visas to Italians.

concern for Bergamo

107 people have died so far in Italy, or with the Virus. With one exception, a 61-year-old doctor, were all of the victims in their old age, or even before infection with Sars-Cov-2 ill. 1000 patients will spend their quarantine at home, 1034 are located in the hospital. 229 in the ICU. 160 people carrying the Virus are recovered.

The infection cases mainly focus on three regions where the schools are already closed for over a week: In Lombardy 1520 people are ill, in the Emilia Romagna region 420 and in the Veneto 307. The further South you go, the lower the Numbers are. In Tuscany, there were only 19 cases, in Rom 14, in Sicily 7. In Calabria and in Sardinia it was found only a carrier of the Coronavirus.

the latest development to hit the far North: In Bergamo so many people ill in a short period of time, that the government is considering to establish a “Zona rossa”, as they are already around the municipality of Codogno in the Lodi, about fifty kilometers South of Milan. This would mean that also in Bergamo, at all entrances and exits, police officers and Carabinieri would be stationed to ensure that no one – or leaves.

The Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte is constantly by a scientific Committee for advice. These experts called on the Italian population now, in the coming period and also the Interpersonal in everyday life radically adapt to the situations. You not only guess from the shaking hands, the Hug and Kiss: on the street, in the Bars and in the Bus you should maintain whenever possible, a Meter of distance from the Next. Sports either cancelled, or they take place without an audience are occasions. To talk a lot of football, Italy’s favorite Sport. The championship of the Serie A, the highest League, to go on, but all the games will initially take place in empty stadiums. Also, the games South of Bologna, where so far in front of spectators was played.

in Spite of the difficult situation of a failure of the government’s Cinque point, and the social Democrats, the opposition forces in a Patriotic harmony of flocking to. Conte does not need to hear the accusation, he was Leader enough in this crisis. The loudest criticism Matteo Salvini’s is. “Conte is not able to run the business in normal times, let alone in a plight,” said the chief of the Lega over his former government colleagues. From Cabinet circles came back, Salvini was a Jackal.

tourism breaks a

criticism, but there are also from the press. In an editorial on the front page of La Repubblica complained that the Italians would too keep a long time in anxious half-knowledge. “It is time to talk to this country”, was the title. Was meant to be a speech to the Nation, the Prime Minister or the President. A matter of concern for the Italians, but especially the short – term and medium-term consequences for the economy.

even before the outbreak of the epidemic in Italy’s growth lagged behind behind that of other European countries. A burglar threatens. The tourism Association reported on Wednesday that he expected that in the second quarter of the year,from the 1. March to the 31. In may, nearly 32 million tourists would come to Italy as at the same time in the previous year. It would be so, then the industry would lose 7.4 billion euros.

Created: 04.03.2020, 22:48 PM