“It is politically extremely indecent to try to discredit the legitimate farmers’ protests in order to unsettle the farmers,” added Aiwanger.

The German Farmers’ Association (DBV) has called for nationwide protests against the federal government’s policies next week. Police and authorities are expecting massive disruptions, for example due to road closures. In the past few days, security authorities and politicians have repeatedly warned of radicalization and the threat of infiltration of the protests due, among other things, to a much-criticized blockade action by protesting farmers against Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens).

Politicians, especially from the traffic light parties, called on farmers to position themselves clearly within the constitutional framework. “Peaceful registered protests are completely legitimate for me,” said SPD parliamentary group deputy Dirk Wiese to the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post”. “But I expect a clear distancing from right-wing circles.”

Farmers’ anger was sparked by planned cuts in subsidies for the industry in the wake of the budget crisis. The federal government has now largely cashed in on the plans. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) therefore criticized the announced actions as excessive.

According to Federal Government advisor Achim Spiller, the majority of people in Germany understand the farmers’ protests. “Unlike the climate stickers, the farmers’ protests are met with approval among the population,” said Spillerr, who is chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for Agricultural Policy, Nutrition and Consumer Health Protection (WBAE), to the Berlin “Tagesspiegel”. “The farmers are seen as victims who are being wiped out between the food industry and the food trade.”