A large part of the Swiss adheres to the rules of the road, or at least in the case of gross violation of the same not of the police catch. Nevertheless, each year, must submit to the 80’000 drivers of your card. Also in 2019, nothing has changed, as the new statistics of the Federal office for roads (Astra) is apparent. We have looked at the Figures in more detail.

It’s 33 different reasons why a card withdrawal. Most of that is true, but they are too fast or intoxicated and on the road: Excessive speed and too much alcohol in the blood are, by far, the most common reasons for the acceptance of the leader or study travel document. Together, they make up more than half of all cases.

Often the ID will be withdrawn also because of danger to third parties by inattention. After years of constant decline in Numbers is observed here an increase. Already longer after the above development shows when Driving under the influence of drugs, was last year nearly 4800 handlebars undoing. Nearly half of affected persons were between 20 and 29 years old.

in Total, has drawn in the police in the Canton of Zurich at the most badges. To conclude, then, that the Zurich of the road on the reckless most, however, would be wrong. Finally, you make the most of the inhabitants, and thus driver’s licenses. Our evaluation has shown that the Size of a Canton with the number of Withdrawals depends on.

it is noticeable, however, that there is between the cantons of large differences what concerns the reasons. In Geneva, for example, almost half of them will be collected the cards because compliance with the speed limit. Also, the Zug, Grisons, Lucerne, Freiburg and Zurich are often too fast. In Basel and Obwalden, however, racers make up a much smaller part of the persons concerned.

In most cantons, it is excessive speed, clearly the most common reason, after that, the alcohol consumption and inattention come. There are, however, exceptions: Thus, in Appenzell Innerrhoden are fed the same number of cards because of inattention, such as due to speed. To be distracted or unfocused, it sounds harmless, but it is one of the most common causes of accidents on Swiss roads.

it is Also dangerous to drive under high influence of alcohol. Everyone knows, however, the authorities have taken in the past year, about 13’000 people in Switzerland, the driver’s license. Especially the Valais in this respect are unreasonable. A third of all Withdrawals in the Canton are the result of too much alcohol. Nowhere are these Figures anywhere near as high.

In the Jura and in the Canton of Ticino is drinking and driving, according to the statistics is also a Problem. All the cantons of the Romandie are in the first places of the ranking. This is not a coincidence. “The French-speaking and Ticino-have a different relationship to alcohol than German Swiss – you drink more often,” said Yvonne Achermann of the counselling centre for the prevention of accidents a few years ago compared with Tamedia, when it came to alcohol-related accidents. Also Daniel Müller, Secretary General of Blue cross in the Romandie, said: The consumption of alcohol belong in the Romandie to the social habit, especially in wine regions such as the Vaud and the Valais.

Nationwide, the 30 recorded – to 39-Year-olds in most card withdrawals because of drunkenness (24 percent of cases), prior to the 20 – to 29-Year-olds (23 percent). In General, the loss of a driving licence is more of a Problem for younger drivers, regardless of the reason. With age, the Swiss always seem to be more reasonable on the go.

An exception is the group of over 75-Year-old, which is significantly more affected than the other older drivers forms. Every day, more than 13 Senior must give citizens their identity, often due to illness and infirmity. The number has increased steadily in recent years. At the same time, fewer Young will be fined (under 25).

Created: 06.03.2020, 10:26 PM