The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Juan Alfonso Ruiz Molina, has informed this Tuesday of the approval in the Governing Council of the 4,058 public employment positions that are called in an extraordinary way to get the rate of interim of the Autonomous Community below 8%, thus complying with state regulations.

This job offer, which, as he recalled at a press conference, has been negotiated with unions, it is a call that “has nothing to do” with the rest of the offers that came to “replenish the number of workers who left due to retirement the administration”.

The selection system to cover these 4,058 places will be competitive for those places occupied temporarily and continuously between 3 and 5 years, as established by law.

The second selection system will be competitive, which will be used for those places that have been continuously occupied by interims for a period of more than 5 years.

In both cases, they are open processes and anyone can apply, whether they are a civil servant or not, although applicants with work experience in the public administration “will have more options to access.”

On the contest phase, the merits to be taken into account will weigh 40% in the opposition contest, and the distribution of them will now be analyzed with unions.

That yes, from the Government it is going to try to prioritize “to the maximum” the years of service in this administration “within what the state regulations allow”. “We will try to prioritize those people who have previously served in the administration,” he emphasized.

It is also expected that in the opposition phase the exercises will not be eliminatory, something that will be negotiated with unions.

Of the total number of places to call, the Health and Education sectors take 88% -2,651 for Sescam, 917 for teaching staff-. The other 490 will be General Administration positions, distinguishing between civil servants and labor personnel.

51% of the vacancies are announced by competition, being vacancies that are part of the structure but occupied by interims between 3 and 5 years. The rest, by competition system, places occupied by interims for a period of more than 5 years.

In this volume there is a percentage for people with disabilities, 7%, but it does not apply to the total number of places, but only to the places whose announcement is by competitive examination. In this way, 155 places will be dedicated to people with disabilities, 45 of them in cases of intellectual disability.

After this approval, which had to be ready before June 1, now it is time to publish the calls before December 31, so that before the end of 2024 all the places are awarded.

«At the end of the process we will achieve that the interim rate is below 8%. We start, in the case of the region, with very low rates as a result of having been approving the corresponding job offers every year”, he has indicated, celebrating that for Castilla-La Mancha it is” easier to comply with the law».