The Minister of Economy, Business and Employment, Patricia Franco, highlighted the investment effort of the Community Board to improve the network of Emplea offices in Castilla-La Mancha, which has allowed the new 580-square-meter facilities to be inaugurated this Friday in Puertollano ( Ciudad Real) after an investment of more than 375,000 euros, with the support of the state Public Employment Service.

During his speech to the media, Franco stressed that the new office in Puertollano, located on Calle Ancha, will make a decisive contribution to improving service to citizens, while praising the work of professionals as the “closest link” to care for people who arrive in difficult situations.

Accompanied by the mayor of Puertollano, Adolfo Muñiz, the acting provincial director of the SEPE, Fernando León, and representatives of the regional government, the Vocational Training centers and the UGT and CCOO unions, the minister recalled that the regional government has earmarked this legislature 4.2 million euros in the Emplea branch network, a total of 43 in Castilla-La Mancha managed by more than 400 professionals, which has allowed the incorporation of more professionals to the network, about 200, and that in the next dates other works can be tackled at the Ciudad Real, Valdepeñas and Daimiel offices.

He has also emphasized the improvement in guidance ratios, which have gone from 16,500 people per guidance counselor at the start of the legislature to 850 people. Similarly, he has pointed out that in the last year more than 40,000 orientations have been offered in Castilla-La Mancha, with 24,000 jobs offered and more than 65,000 places covered.

Regarding the Puertollano office, he highlighted the increase in staff, which has gone from seven to thirteen on staff, and its leadership in prospecting, since in the last year it has carried out 50% of the prospecting actions, amounting to total of 2,000.

For his part, the mayor of Puertollano, Adolfo Muñiz, thanked the involvement of the Public Employment Service and the Community Board with Puertollano, and valued the improvement in the modernization, functionality and benefits of the new office.

In this context, he welcomed the reduction of the unemployment lists in Puertollano, which in the last year has registered a decrease of 1,100 unemployed, and has expressed confidence that this tenure will continue thanks to the weight that public works and business investments to be announced in the coming weeks.