The Generalitat Valenciana has informed the municipalities that practically all the restrictions due to the coronavirus in public swimming pools for collective use and in water parks are eliminated.
It is the main novelty contained in the transferred regulations, since the anticovid limitations to which these spaces were subject during 2020 and 2021 become recommendations this year. However, it is urged to continue maintaining criteria of prudence and common sense, the Generalitat has pointed out in a statement.
In this normal situation, the permitted capacity of the aforementioned facilities is again considered 100% of that contemplated in its opening license. “However, in the face of a massive influx, nothing prevents assessing and reconsidering the reduction in capacity if this guarantees greater security,” the Ministry clarified.
In relation to masks, “responsible use” is recommended, especially when there is a large influx of people in the beach and rest area and the safety distance between people cannot be respected.
The document also recalls the prohibition of smoking on the terraces of bars and cafes, and continues to recommend the sale of tickets electronically to minimize transactions at the box office.
The circular also mentions some aspects related to the safety of swimming pools and water parks before the arrival of the summer period in order to prevent accidents. In its fulfillment, according to the regional secretary of Security and Emergencies, Jose María Ángel, the municipalities play a fundamental role since the municipalities share with the Generalitat the sanctioning and inspection competence, and have the power to close facilities that pose a risk, or prohibit non-compliant activities.
According to Jose María Ángel, “we must be especially scrupulous in this type of space because they are usually frequented by minors, the most susceptible to drowning and accidents.”
The document recalls that, in accordance with current regulations, swimming pools with a water surface area of ??200 to 500 square meters must have a minimum of one lifeguard, while swimming pools with an area between 500 and 1,000 square meters They must have at least two lifeguards.
Lastly, for swimming pools whose surface area exceeds 1,000 square metres, one more lifeguard is required for every 500 square meters of surface area. On the other hand, in the case of water parks, the presence of monitors will be mandatory to ensure the correct use of these facilities.