The humanitarian situation on the Turkish-Greek border, brings back memories of the migration crisis of the year 2015. Since Thursday, about 13’000 refugees trying to enter the EU. Greek border guards you from keeping up with tear gas and water cannons, it comes to violent transgressions. Thousands wait in freezing temperatures, parents and children, despair fences before barbed wire. In the Aegean sea, has fallen on Monday a boat with 48 persons in distress at sea, a small child is killed.

Suddenly, Europe again has a refugee tragedy facing all of the Stakeholders, be it individuals or States, legitimate or at least understandable interests of the proponents. It is understandable that refugees want to go there, where you calculate economically the biggest opportunities. This is not the Turkey, but the EU and especially Germany, as Turkey is caught up in an economic crisis and the social climate towards immigrants has deteriorated sharply.

It is legitimate that the Greek government refuses, thousands, or tens of thousands of additional people, especially since she has a ride due to the notorious splitting within the EU every reason to fear, to be at the end of the issue left alone. It is understandable that it wants to prevent the European Union, and Germany in particular, to falling into a Situation like in 2015 – if only to prevent the rise of right-wing populist forces.

The EU must continue from humanitarian and political reasons, the financial assistance to Syrian refugees in Turkey and, if necessary, even increase.

Even the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the needs in his cynicism of people miss, in order to blackmail the EU, has viable arguments In its country of 3.5 million Syrian refugees live now, while in the province of Idlib, in Syria’s President Assad with Russian help, the own civilian population massacred, hundreds of thousands of the Syrian-Turkish border push. It is also true that the EU has some of the promise broken, she had made Erdogan at the conclusion of the so-called Turkey-Deals – for example, Visa facilitation, or a deepening of the customs Union. What is, however, in view of the dictatorial impulses and the irrational the confrontation strategy of the Turks is also understandable.

In the case of a conflict of legitimate interests, it would need an instance that would be able to set priorities and to move the various players to compromise. Such an order, neither the questions of migration, split of the EU nor the UN , and certainly not one of the participating nation-States is power.

With the Turkey Deal has gone, the EU is in the Hand of a Erpressers, for which she receives a receipt. It will have no other option, as those claims Erdogan’s reunification, all of which are entitled, in the Knowledge that a successful blackmailer will always be tempted to demand more later. Nevertheless, the EU must continue from humanitarian and political reasons, the financial assistance to Syrian refugees in Turkey and, if necessary, even increase. That you will not be signalled to the Turkish government, the willingness to do so earlier, was a serious mistake.

international conference

needs a Completely unacceptable Erdogan’s suggestion that the funds were to flow in and agreed to 6 billion euros – in the future, not to charities, but directly in the Turkish state budget.

Urgently required a large international conference would be to decide on a humanitarian solution for the refugees in Idlib, as well as for those who endure in appalling conditions on the Greek Islands. This would inevitably affect the definition of a distribution key in addition to. And this is precisely where the EU has failed in the past because, above all, Eastern European governments reject the mere idea.

While the situation of refugees worsened in the Syrian province of Idlib, there is evidence to suggest that the borders of Europe once again, a humanitarian disaster is looming. And it looks as if someone would have the enforcement power to prevent that from happening.

Created: 02.03.2020, 17:55 PM