thousands of migrants and refugees waiting at the border to Greece, these images should not exist actually. At least then, if Turkey were to uphold the common refugee agreement with the EU by 2016. However, the EU does not comply with Commitments. What is the subject of the agreement:

border guard: Ankara promises in the agreement to take “all necessary measures” to prevent new sea and land routes for Migration from Turkey to the EU. In contrast, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan violates with its announcement of 29. In February, the border with the EU would be open, clearly. In this part of the agreement, previously worked quite well.

in 2019, have been added to the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR, almost twice as many people over to the Greek Islands – around 60’000 migrants and refugees. But these were still significantly less than prior to the conclusion of the agreement. In 2015, the number was around 857’000. As soon as the border crossings or considerably go back, wanted to include the EU countries, for humanitarian reasons, voluntary, people-this is not going to happen.

resettlement and return: , Turkey undertakes to take back, to the manages, despite agreement on the Greek Islands. In return, the EU wants to relocate for every repatriated Syrians to other Syrians from Turkey. The barely works – among other things, because the Greek authorities afterwards came up with the edit of asylum applications on the Islands.

in Addition, the then left-wing government in Athens had a hard time for ideological reasons, to send people back to Turkey. In the past four years, according to the EU Commission, almost 2700 people were sent back to Turkey. About 26’500 Syrians were resettled from Turkey to Europe. This is almost half of the quota, which is agreed in the agreement.

money: To supply the people said the EU Turkey six billion euros. The money should go directly to aid organisations and projects. According to the EU Commission are yet to be awarded 4.7 billion Euro-contract, and around 3.2 billion paid out. Erdogan penetrates, however, to the fact that the money is faster paid – and that there is more. In Turkey, around 3.6 million civil war refugees from the neighboring country of Syria life.

visa-free travel: , The EU put Turkey at the time, the abolition of the visa requirement for Turkish citizens in view. It 72 conditions are, however, subject. Most of them has met in Ankara, but a prerequisite for, there is bitter dispute: The Amendment to the Anti-Terror laws in Turkey. From the point of view of Erdogan, this can be mitigated, because the Turkey will need you, especially after the coup attempt of 2016 in the fight against Terror.

the sticking point is the application of the laws, as well as journalists or critics of the government are branded in Turkey quickly as “terrorists”. So the German journalists were imprisoned Mesale Tolu and Deniz Yücel a long time under Terrorism charges in Turkey.

Expansion of the customs Union: Of which would benefit Turkey economically strong. The customs Union between the EU and Turkey since 1996, and should be modernized. It was not to be, however. Among other things, this is due to the unresolved Cyprus question. Turkey holds the North of Cyprus since 1974 is occupied. There is – only from Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus recognised. The entire island is, in contrast, since 2004, a member of the EU.

the accession process: The accession negotiations between the EU and Turkey have started in 2005. In the agreement it means that the process should be revitalised. Instead, he is now on ice. Some EU States are even in favour of the negotiations completely.


Created: 09.03.2020, 23:41 PM