In the custody dispute over two children of Hamburg entrepreneur Christina Block (50), the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg granted an urgent application from the father. The 10-year-old boy and the 13-year-old girl must therefore return to their father in Denmark, as the court’s press office announced.

“This emergency measure is based on the assessment that a return of the children to their father would currently best suit the children’s best interests,” the statement said. The children were handed over to their father’s care on Friday.

What happened?

The father of the two children was attacked by unknown people in southern Denmark on New Year’s Eve. According to the Danish police, the perpetrators took the 10-year-old boy and the 13-year-old girl in a car. The Danish police announced last Monday that they were investigating assault and deprivation of liberty. The father then filed an urgent application with the Higher Regional Court on Wednesday.

The two parents have been fighting in court over custody for more than two years. In November 2022, the daughter of the founder of the Block House restaurant chain, Eugen Block (83), told the “Hamburger Abendblatt” that the children had regularly visited her ex-husband in Denmark after the divorce. At the end of August 2021, he picked up the children and kept them with him.

On October 27, 2021, the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court transferred the right of residence determination to the mother alone, as the court spokesman further announced. At the same time, the father was obliged to return the children to the mother’s care. However, this was only an interim order. The interim regulation should apply until a decision on the main case is made.

According to the statement, when making the urgent judicial decision, the court took into account that the children have had their father’s center of life for almost 2.5 years and were torn from their environment there under extremely stressful circumstances, according to the facts credibly made by the father.