“With the goal of ensuring their economic stability and continuity of their sport programs throughout the Olympic and Paralympic cycles, which culminates in the Paris Games, the Higher Sports Council (CSD), will provide almost 187 million euros of aid to the federations over the next three years (2022-2023, 2023, and 2024.” This Tuesday’s approval by the Council of Ministers means that the new aid system will be multi-annual for the first time. It will allow federations to face the Olympic preparations regardless of their economic situation, and “with greater certainty about the resources which matter.”

The federations have long demanded that sports budgets be protected until 2024, regardless of the economic cycles. These grants will amount to 186 710,250 euro and will be divided over three years. They will be in addition to the 48 million awarded by Team Elite Spain last February and the 16 millions from 1% of football’s audiovisual rights. They will be used to support the social protection of elite athletes and maintain ADO scholarships.

The federations will receive an average subsidy of more than 57.8 millions euros this year, and another 173 million in the future. The bulk of the subsidies will be used to support and subsidise the activities and programs of the federations in order for Spanish athletes to achieve the best results possible at the most relevant competitions, such as the World Championships, European Championships or the Olympic Games. Jose Manuel Franco, chair of the CSD, highlighted Tuesday’s Olympic and Paralympic-”

The objective is to match or surpass the medal table achieved by Spain in Barcelona’92. If possible, this will be done at the next Games in Paris. The CSD recalls that Spain has won 175 Olympic medals throughout history. However, if we look at the results since Barcelona’92, it is clear that our country has not changed in sporting data over the years and that they have never surpassed the 22 medals from the Games in Spain’s best historical results.

The multi-annual funding provided by our federations and the launch of Team Elite can be as pivotal as the sports policies in Barcelona ’92. We are confident that we will see an improvement in the trend of international results for our athletes in the new Paris 2024 cycle,” said Jose Hidalgo (President of Adesp), who regarded the CSD measure as a positive.

Hidalgo stated that the new system is linked to the Olympic cycles, and not subject to annual approval as was usual. He said that he had done an analysis of all the countries in the area, which included those with whom we compete on the track, and found that multi-year financing was a common feature. It was also allowing them to report sporting successes and allowed them to better manage their resources.

The Adesp’s top leader, which is made up of Spanish sports federations and other federations, acknowledged that multi-year grants provide security for both the athlete and the federation supporting him. Both can plan their concentrations, calendars, and the long-term plan. Training… without knowing the economic ups and downs.

The CSD subsidy payments will continue to be part of the multi-year economic processing over the next three years. The National Program for Sports Technification and Sports Promotion for 6.75 million Euros; 4.5 Million Euros for expenses in High Performance Centers and the CAR in Leon; 1.5 Million for sports equipment and facilities in CAR; and 300,000.00 euros to increase Spain’s participation in international federations.

Concerning the 16,000,000 audiovisual rights, eight will be used to pay for the ADO Olympic Preparation Programme for 2022. Eight of these funds will be used to cover scholarships (already last years the Government covered nearly 80% of the Plan); four millions to athletes who take part in international competitions in order to improve their performance at the next Games. One million will be used to aid athletes in sports results. Three million will be used for Social Security contributions for elite athletes.