In many trades it happens that people outside the sector develop professions related to it. It is labor intrusion, and even in jobs as specialized as cosmetic surgery it occurs. This Wednesday, in Santiago de Compostela, the 54th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SECPRE) began, and this was one of the main topics discussed at the opening of the macro-event: «Plastic surgery is safe surgery , very safe, if it is done with the means and professionals with the necessary training, “said Dr. Isabel De Benito Molina, president-elect of SECPRE, during the press conference. This intrusiveness is, she assured, “the main problem” of this specialty. Society calculates that, “approximately”, 8 out of 10 aesthetic procedures are not carried out by specialized surgeons, but by other doctors without the necessary training, something that is legally permitted in Spain and against which plastic surgeons “fight because the law limits training».

“It is about the priority being patient safety,” he stressed, according to Ep.

Along the same lines, the president of SECPRE, Dr. José Luis Vila Moriente, intervened, explaining that in Spain “any surgeon can perform any intervention outside his field of training” without legal repercussions, a regulation that “comes from the 50s” , under health specialization conditions that are very different from the current ones. “This means that to certain individuals, with limited training, it seems that this is very simple from the outside,” he explained, and elaborated a sports comparison: “There is nothing simpler than hitting a ball with a racket, but not It’s the same as playing against Nadal.”

Professionals regret that this type of practice carried out by non-specialized professionals is not illegal. Sometimes, its consequences even have serious consequences, such as the death of a woman a few months ago who had undergone an aesthetic intervention and whose vital organs were perforated. Dr. Vila exemplifies that “any non-specialist can do it. I could do a kidney transplant this afternoon », although it is not his field.

Of course, the death of the patient in this type of operation is not common, rather anecdotal, when they are carried out by non-specialized surgeons. However, there may also be other types of serious consequences: negative results, adverse effects and minor complications that, they warn, later affect public health to be repaired.

Contributing to this situation, for example, is the phenomenon of “scalpel tourism” and social networks, in which “you see the final result” of an intervention but “not the during: the postoperative period, the stitches, the drains, the bruises…”, pointed out Dr. Vila.

The Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the SECPRE Teaching Foundation, Dr. Joan Fontdevila Font, insisted that “as specialists in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery we have training in hospitals and training in pathologies that gives us the appropriate perspective of safety in each intervention” , and that they are the best able to “minimize the risks as much as possible”.