Everything indicated that monkeypox had already been in Aragon since last week, at least, and laboratory tests have confirmed it. The health authorities initially classified the patient as a suspected case of this infection, pending final tests, the result of which was reported on Wednesday night. These analyzes have confirmed that, indeed, he was infected with monkeypox and, therefore, has been part of one of the transmission chains detected in Spain.

It is feared that he may have triggered new infections in the days leading up to his first diagnosis. Hence, according to official sources, a follow-up is being carried out on those who have maintained close contact with this patient.

As advanced when this case was made public, it is a man who went to an Aragonese health center almost fifteen days ago, with typical symptoms of the picture that causes monkeypox.

This patient, in addition to presenting symptoms of infection, had been in contact with other confirmed cases of monkeypox in the previous 21 days.