Thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday against the further construction of the city motorway to Friedrichshain. During the “Blow away the A100. Environmental protection instead of car dirt” campaign, the demonstrators near the Elsenbrücke on Ostkreuz with lots of music on several stages created a mood against the construction plans. In addition, a bicycle demonstration drove from the Ministry of Transport in Mitte past the headquarters of the Autobahn GmbH and the Red City Hall to the Ostkreuz. According to the police, about 7,000 people were still gathered at Ostkreuz around 9 p.m. The demonstration started in the afternoon.

The initiators included the lobby association of the club scene, the Club Commission, the environmental association BUND and the citizens’ initiative A100 as well as Fridays for Future. The club scene is particularly critical of the fact that several clubs would be directly endangered by further construction of the A100 motorway.

According to the plans of the Federal Ministry of Transport, the A100 is to be continued in the coming years from the Treptower Park exit, which will soon be completed, over the Spree and through Friedrichshain in the direction of Lichtenberg. There is no date for this yet. In 2027, the approval procedure should be applied for at the Federal Highway Authority.

The construction plans put the clubs “Wilde Renate” and “About Blank” under pressure, among others. They are located on the eastern edge of downtown Berlin, where there used to be a lot of space. Almost all plots are now developed. It would probably be the end of the party life there if the Autobahn should still run through the neighborhood in the future.

Berlin Clubcommission