It punctuates the lives of 12.5 million students and, in fact, almost all French people. These days, in many establishments, we are looking at the 2022-2023 school calendar established by the National Education. The current year is far from over, but educational advice is on the agenda, in order to organize the following exercise: “We look at the long weekends, we think about the timetables, we point out the oddities or long periods”, summarizes Catherine, head of establishment in Charente. “That’s it, it’s posted in my office,” smiles Étienne, principal of the Paris region. This is our guide! »

What does this agenda say, which is not established at random but backed by an imperative of 36 weeks of class? First, that the start of the school year will take place on Thursday, September 1, as is traditional… when possible. For example, this year it took place on Thursday September 2 because on Wednesday almost 90% of schools have no class, according to the Association of Mayors of France, since they went back to the four-day week. . The pre-entry of teachers will take place on August 31.

Summer holidays on July 8, 2023

The date that all families scrutinize is the end of the year. In 2023, it will take place on Saturday July 8! Later than previous years – except in 2016-2017, where, to the day, the school calendar was the same. What annoy some teachers. “My class will be almost empty the last week, the families will have gone on vacation, especially if the tourist prices are considered outside the holidays, therefore cheaper”, anticipates Hélène, a history teacher in Paris.

For Kim (the first name has been changed), it is… the heat that is likely to be a concern. “The further we go in the year, the hotter it gets. Already they predict 35° on May 18, so on July 8 I can’t imagine the heat in class, ”she fears. But for his part, Stéphane Crochet, national secretary of SE-Unsa, is betting on “less absenteeism” with this date. “When we finish on half a week, it poses concerns about childcare mode over half the week. There it is clearer! »

For the FCPE, association of parents of students, this date “means nothing” for many middle school and high school students, especially those educated in the 3000 bac exam centers, mobilized from mid-June for philosophy and the Grand Oral. “My son is in second, he was told that on June 10, it was over, thunders Éric Labastie, secretary general of the FCPE. To evoke such a late end of the year when the reconquest of the month of June (the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer had assured that his reform of the baccalaureate would make it possible to do class all June) was not made , this is nonsense! »

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Another notable element, zone A (Besançon, Dijon, Grenoble, Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand, Limoges, Poitiers and Bordeaux) will have to whip two and a half months after returning from spring vacation (April 24), until July 8 ! Far from the seven weeks recommended by chronobiologists between each leave. This is even longer than the 10 and a half weeks at the same time last year for two areas, already experienced as “a marathon” by families and teachers. This same zone A also broke the record for the shortest class period: returning from Christmas vacation on January 3, they will be on winter vacation on… February 4.

Regarding the rotating zones – created in the 1970s to smooth tourist traffic in the mountains -, the Ile-de-France residents do not rotate compared to this year: their zone is still the last to take its holiday turn. Why ? You have to look on the side, again, of the mountain. This choice was made in order to “facilitate the organization, in France, of the Alpine Skiing World Championships in February 2023”, we say rue de Grenelle, in particular “in terms of the capacity to accommodate Ile-de-France holidaymakers”. .

A single bridge, that of the Ascension

The other key moment is the bridges. This year, there will only be one, that of Ascension Thursday. It will take place on May 18, and the ministry warns that Friday 19 and Saturday 20, “classes will go”. Zone A will also be entitled to three long weekends due to a holiday Monday. In May, that of the 1st and that of the 8th. Much better than 2022, where these two days fell on a Sunday. As a result, those concerned will have “a very light month of May”: “It’s been 18 days of class, anticipates Coline, English teacher in Haute-Savoie. It’s not a bad thing to breathe before the late end of the year. “Zone B, on vacation until the 2nd, will have that of May 8, and zone C will return on Tuesday, May 9. A little later, on June 6, Whit Monday was declared “without school” by the authorities.

And the rhythm of the child in all this? Originally, this calendar was supposed to respect a rhythm of seven weeks of class for two of holidays. Not really the case this year. Especially, recalls Claire Leconte, that the days “are too busy”. Thus, each zone has 139 or 138 school days to keep the program going, where, in neighboring countries “better placed in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) rankings”, she notes, it is 180 to 200 days. “The All Saints holidays are an oddity, she illustrates. These two weeks in the wake of the long holidays break the rhythm of the child who, after a long break, is again turned upside down. “The only solution to not end up wrung out and distracted in class: “Families must try to go to bed early, and above all, at regular times! »