Four vials desinfecting gel for the hands to the client. “The more we give out of a Person, too,” replies the pharmacist. “It wouldn’t be fair to the others”, after she pushes. Within three minutes, three customers come in the Klus-Apotheke in Zurich – all buy Desinfektionsgels. The go all day, so says the staff.

The Load on the Klusplatz, and is one of those pharmacies that have already decided to involve themselves in disinfectant manufacture. It supplies private clients, hospitals, doctor’s offices and Hotels. The production has been running for weeks at full speed: 30 liters a day, bottled 300 bottles of 100 milliliters of – everything-in-hand work. Currently, this amount for one to two days. “That will change in the future,” says managing Director, Francisca Cheerful.

The demand was huge. Therefore, the production will be increased at the in-house certified laboratory from Friday massive. “The only way we can cope with the demand,” says Cheerful. Currently, an order of 1200 litres of disinfectant from England is also pending. If and when this order arrives – Happy it is not white.

a pharmacist Arianna Zucchelli rises a narrow staircase down to the camp. Ethanol-cans of 20 liters of stack. On Wednesday, had just arrived for a delivery. “It took weeks until we have found a supplier,” says Zucchelli.

First, the filling of bottles were short: 10’000 units ordered by the Klus-Apotheke, nearly half have been delivered. The chain reaction went After, and after the gelling agent was used for the production of desinfecting gel. Also Carbopol and glycerol were meanwhile available. “Fortunately, we have enough in stock,” says Zucchelli, visibly relieved. While the situation ten years ago was during the swine flu seriously, says a Cheerful. “But such a Situation we have never had.” At an early stage, the pharmacist has responded to some Cheerful and a such a scenario set.

the ready-to-Desinfektionsgels the Klus-Apotheke look. Photo: Urs Jaudas

100 milliliters of the disinfectant cost of 15.90 Swiss francs. Clearly, the business doing the sales will be good, says Cheerfully. “We are working on to make but not a Golden nose.” Everything was hand work, two people are currently working only on the production. That’s why the bottle is also a bit more expensive than the industrially produced Desinfektionsgels.

Cheerful, has direct contact with the customers, to feel their Fears. Many were concerned about bottlenecks, even with the drugs. Cheerful ill counsels, especially chronic, with all the necessary products for the next two months to stock up on. But warns: “hoarding brings nothing. Then the medication you are in urgent need of absence of those.”

Created: 12.03.2020, 20:30 Uhr