Not only the head of hair should be brought into shape regularly. You should also have beards. Doing this at home saves time and money. But there are a few things to consider. We have tips to help you trim and trim your beard properly.
If you want to trim your beard at home, it is best to have an electric shaver or beard trimmer on hand. This should have different attachments or settings in order to be able to trim different cutting lengths, ideally have a movable head and ideally also be able to cut precisely, so that it can also be used in the area of ??the upper lip, for example.
Also good for beard trimming: a wet razor or safety razor. If the electric razor is not precise enough, you can use it to shave contours very precisely and it also removes short hairs. This is how you cut your beard really sharp and it doesn’t look stubbly. If you have a long or full beard, you should also have beard scissors and a beard comb or beard brush at home. The comb loosens knots, with the scissors you can precisely remove protruding whiskers. Good stainless steel scissors are also suitable for roughly trimming the beard.
Shaving oil, foam or gel are recommended for shaving the contours. You should also have beard care ready: for washing and for care after shaving, especially for longer facial hair. Before trimming, the beard should be washed and dried in any case. After cutting, it needs care in order not to appear dull. Aftershave is also important for the skin, especially with a short beard.
A long beard should be trimmed regularly and kept in shape. We explain step by step how this works best:
Of course, it takes time for a full beard to grow. A centimeter in length takes about a month. But even if you want to grow a long beard, it should be trimmed regularly to stay in good shape. As soon as hair sticks out, you should start shaving with scissors, comb, beard trimmer and the like.
A shorter beard tends to have less hair to trim, but this type of beard requires more regular trimming. The best way to do this is as follows:
The name already suggests it: a short or three-day beard should be trimmed about every two to three days in order to maintain the desired look. It is usually between 0.5 and five millimeters long – depending on taste.
If you decide to trim your beard when it is wet, the electric razor usually has a harder time. But there are also disadvantages with the beard scissors: The end result could be distorted, since the whiskers become heavier due to the moisture – and of course fall completely differently than when they are dry. It is therefore better to dry the beard beforehand. But: better not rub dry with a towel or blow dry too hot, but let it air dry. And: When cutting the contours, make sure that the razor is sharp enough to create nice, smooth lines.
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