Agriculture & Foods are dissatisfied with, that nitrogen oxide emissions should be cut by 3500 tonnes next year.

Agriculture is strongly dissatisfied with, that acquired next year to cut its emissions of nitrogen more than expected.

A majority in the Danish Parliament has on Monday entered into an agreement that brings forward a requirement to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 3500 tonnes from 2021 to 2020.

Chairman of the Agriculture & Food Martin Merrild call agreement “policy, when it is worst”.

As part of the agreement to which the next year established 380.000 hectares of catch crops on the Danish fields.

It is a crop which is typically planted between harvest, which is able to absorb and thus reduce the leaching of nitrogen.

– We think that it is preposterous to come up with the requirements, as close to to to to to establish next year’s crops.

– the Farmers according to law, have its markplan ready for the next year in august, and then one comes in november with the new requirements. It is deeply disturbing, says Martin Merrild.

– at the same time, it is grotesque, that the measures we are proposing to limit nitrogen emissions, can only be implemented in 2021 or later, ” he says.

He says, that one of the consequences of the agreement are Betpas that the harvest will be smaller in 2020. He does not have a precise figure for how much it will cost to agriculture in dollars and cents.

the Government has decided to bring forward the claim, because agriculture has not cut emissions of nitrogen enough during the landbrugspakke, which the previous government agreed with the Danish people’s Party.

Martin Merrild believe that agriculture has voluntarily demonstrated its commitment to delivering on the agreement, but to slow case processing by public authorities – including municipalities – has pulled it out.

Farmers have signed voluntary check to establish the science and establish minivådområder, but there have been sagsbehandlingsfrister, which have been for long, and there have been problems with the control of the areas.

– There are many things that have made, that it is not so passed quickly as we’ve hoped, but it’s not about lack of willingness on the part of the farmers, he says.

According to Martin Merrild, many farmers do not have space for that so change in their fields with such short notice, without being expensive and heavy.
