Music lovers from all over the world are mourning the death of the mezzo-soprano from Madrid, Teresa Berganza. Singers like her are fundamental references for Spanish talent.

Just as there is talk of the importance of having models of one’s own sex as a vehicle for inspiration and motivation, one must also be very aware of the geographical factor. Naturally seeing singers from your land build a solid professional career feeds aspirations, reaffirms public interest and ensures that public investment in art schools and stages makes sense and returns.

Young Spanish singers can admire many voices from all over the world, but if they want to build a healthy career they know that they have to reflect on the voice of Teresa Berganza, not only because she is a wonderful example of an instrument characteristic of southern Europe, but also for his intelligence when choosing the roles, his respect for the score, his excellent musical training and his interpretive dedication.

A career and an artistic personality like Berganza’s encouraged the next generation of Spanish singers, which in turn is inspiring the young voices already standing out throughout Europe. In addition to magnificent recordings, this will be the immortal legacy of Berganza, just as she considered herself the proud heiress of her beloved teacher Lola Rodríguez. May she rest in peace and eternal music.