you Must use Sundays to shop for christmas gifts or visit one of the many christmas markets around, so remember an umbrella and hold it firmly.

the Headline purely vejrmæssigt third Sunday in advent reads: on the rain and the sleet.

And let’s just beat stuck with the same:

It is hardly the weather that’s going to bring you in the festive spirit.

Good enough can the scottish parliament be lucky to see a single sludbyge in the course of the day, but otherwise there is a Sunday just doomed ‘widespread rain’ to the whole country.

But, first and foremost, there is laid up for a very windy day, when there comes stormy gales with gusts of gale force in the Vadehavsregionen.

Here is also warning of increased water levels.

“It’s going to blow all places, but it will be the strongest in the wadden sea region. Here there may be stormy gales and gusts of gale force,” said duty meteorologist at the Danish Meteorological Institute, Henning Gisselø.

the Wind culminates to the west Coast by noon, and then begins to move across the country in an easterly direction.

So, should you run over one of the big bridges, or over the strait in a ferry, so check out the weather conditions first. Ærøfærgerne have already canceled more flights, and on the great belt advised against driving with the vindfølsomme vehicles.

the Weatherman can not exclude, that there will be restrictions on the bridges as the great belt or Øresund in the course of the day, just as the shipping can also be bothered.

Nor, when we look a few days forward, there is a view to the winter weather.

“It gets almost efterårsagtigt with rain and wind. There is no vinteragtigt over it.”

Nor does the white christmas we hope for.

“It will be difficult. The cold is a long way from Denmark right now,” says Henning Gisselø, but gives, however, a little glimpse of a hope to the greatest juleromantikere:

“If we take the very most optimistic glasses on and crossing everything we have, so we can maybe hope for a single wind somewhere,” says Henning Gisselø.