The tour is loudly announced as “the greatest comeback of all time”: Starting this Sunday, April 16, Dieter Bohlen wants to tour numerous cities in Germany and German-speaking countries. But while Helene Fischer has just celebrated an acclaimed tour start in Hamburg, there still seem to be tickets for the performances of the self-proclaimed pop titan.

Several media reported this in advance, and in “Focus” one organizer also admitted that there was “still room for improvement”. Now Bohlen himself has spoken up on Instagram and admitted that ticket sales at some concerts are “not going so well”. A rather rare admission of weakness from the self-confident “Modern Talking” founder.

But Bohlen wouldn’t be Bohlen if he didn’t also use his speech to tell the whole world that he was still the greatest – while at the same time badmouthing another artist. He says in his Insta story that he has 5.3 million monthly listeners on Spotify with “Modern Talking” alone. For titles that he wrote for other artists, “millions of listeners” would then be added.

Of course, that doesn’t sell him a single ticket for his upcoming concert, but it was obviously important to Bohlen to get rid of it. “Abroad,” sums up a self-satisfied Titan, things are going “insanely” for him. In China alone, the 69-year-old brags that he had “two noise number ones.”

With which Bohlen arrived at Helene Fischer. Although she is “a mega star in Germany, has two million listeners a month” – but his listeners mostly come from abroad. The pop musician, who lives in Tötensen near Hamburg, announces that he now wants to perform abroad more often.

His conclusion: Things may be going badly in Germany, but Dieter Bohlen won’t let that get him down. “You will continue to see me on stages – otherwise you’ll just come to Beijing.”

Sources used: “”,