In the third episode of the 13th season of the start-up show “Die Höhle der Löwen” (April 17, 8:15 p.m., VOX, also RTL), the lions have a pillow fight, and Joey Kelly (50) from the Kelly Family suddenly curves with them the bike through the lion’s cage, Ralf Dümmel (56) has his first time and everyone is very excited about Mexico.

The first founding duo Jacqueline Schaupp and Simon Greschl from Munich invented the sound cushion “Tinus” against tinnitus. Tinnitus is a disease that leads to constant whistling in your head, which is extremely annoying, especially in the evenings, and robs you of your quality of life.

“Many try to distract themselves acoustically […], but the background noise disturbs the sleeping partner – that’s how my father felt,” says founder Jacqueline. “With the smart pillow ‘Tinus one’ we enable the most pleasant way to fall asleep.” Sensors are built into the pillow that react to pressure: “If you wake up and move away from the pillow, the podcast pauses.” The system in the pillow also recognizes the deep sleep phase and slowly fades out the music. The founders need 350,000 euros and offer ten percent of the shares. A pillow is said to cost 799 euros, and the founders have sold 400 pieces so far, albeit at a discount.

Each lion gets a “Tinus” pillow, Carsten Maschmeyer (63) lies down on the bed on stage with the pillow. “It’s comfortable and you can hear music very quietly.” However, like Ralf Dümmel, he finds the price too high. The founding duo does not want to go down because they both want to maintain the quality.

Dümmel starts: “I’m very impressed by you both, you’ve developed something sensational and I still don’t invest because the price is too high.” Maschmeyer interrupts and invites him to an interview.

Nils Glagau (47) waves it off. Tilman Schulz (33) also does not want to take part in the pillow fight.

Maschmeyer, on the other hand, has dogged the subject. “It would appeal to me, so I’m trying to talk Ralf into the deal. The pillow also helps to fall asleep.” Dümmel can be persuaded, but wants 30 percent of the shares. The founders initially decline. Dümmel goes down to 25 percent. The founders advise and offer: 20 percent – 10 percent immediately, 10 percent later, plus 1 percent revenue share until the investment is fully repaid. Dummel looks grim. Maschmeyer also finds the offer a bit cheeky. But then they agree on 2 percent of sales.

“Pillow” battle over, hard-fought deal.

Christoph Fraundorfer (38) comes from Austria and likes to cycle in nature. But with his height of 1.95 he could not find a suitable bike. So the architect came up with the idea of ​​tailoring bicycles – made of wood. Together with his friend Heinz he founded “My Esel”. It took two years until the first wheel was roadworthy. “My Esel” is already successful in Austria, now the next step should follow with the lions. The founders need 675,000 and offer 15 percent.

“Wood absorbs vibrations like no other material, which makes cycling healthier because it’s easy on the joints,” explains the founder. “Who drives such a special bike with a wooden frame? Several thousand customers.” “My Esel” has already made more than 2.6 million euros in sales. “We also have a prominent brand ambassador,” announces the founder. Then Joey Kelly rides a “My Donkey” into the lion’s den and raves about the wooden wheel.

Janna Ensthaler (38) grabs a bike and does a lap. “A great feeling.” Judith Williams (51) is also enthusiastic. “First of all, a big compliment. It’s so rare that something old is improved and then also profitable. The overall package is great.” But since she is not a bicycle expert, she gets out.

Dümmel doesn’t want to take part either. “The bike business is not my business.” Glagau is out too. Ensthaler declines because she has contact with other bicycle manufacturers.

Stays Maschmeyer. He praises the “picture book founders”. But the cancellations of the other lions make him skeptical. And he’s had bad experiences with bicycles. “It’s a shark tank. As an investor, I don’t dare to buy entire bikes. But I’ll buy seven e-bikes. I’m a major customer, I’m out as an investor.” No business for “My Donkey”.

The next start-up has its roots in Mexico. Herbert Hellemann (37) was born there and also spends a lot of time there with his girlfriend Verena. The two want to bring the secret beauty rituals of the Maya to Germany. Verena researched, together with a local beauty expert, the two worked on their products for half a year and founded “Viva Maia”. The founders need 150,000 euros, they give 20 percent.

“We make cosmetics based on traditional Mexican culture.” The founders have 36 different bars on offer, one of which is the Tepezcohuite Peeling Bar, whose name comes from the Tepezcohuite tree. The bark of the tree has an antibacterial effect and has long been used in Mexico to heal the skin.

It’s a good thing that there are three lionesses in the round with Wöhrl, Williams and Ensthaler. Everyone can try the bars. “Feels good, great formula that cares for the skin without making it greasy,” says beauty expert Williams. Ensthaler likes the paper packaging. The three lionesses discuss.

But Dümmel is also interested. “I’ve never been to Mexico, maybe I should do that. I’d love to come with you.” He offers 150,000 for 25 percent.

Glagau was in Mexico for many months. “Maya is my world. We bring Mexico to Europe. I open all doors for you.” He has 150,000 ready for 20 percent.” The lionesses trio would invest 150,000 for 25 percent.

All lions want to strike. “What a triumph,” the founders rejoice, but are spoiled for choice. If you are unsure, advise. And consider. And hesitate. And withdraw and consult again. The lions are waiting eagerly. In the end, the founders choose Glagau because authenticity with Mexico is important to them.

New founder, new luck: Raphael Seiler (28) has developed a self-made unique with “Stack”. Even as a child he liked to do handicrafts, during his studies he came up with the idea for “Stack”, now he devotes himself full-time to his “baby”. “I’ve brought a little surprise for all grill lovers. I’ve developed the coolest portable grill there is.” He wants 80,000 euros from the lions and offers 20 percent.

“You can set up this grill very quickly on site, you just have to put all the parts together,” explains the grill master and assembles his grill. The grill can be filled with charcoal or briquettes at home, saving you from having to lug around the charcoal. With a few simple steps, the compact grill is set up on the spot thanks to the simple plug-in system. All lions get a delicious grilled skewer.

Wöhrl doesn’t bite, the structure is too complicated for her. “It was a lot of moves.” “I’ve never seen such a cool grill, it looks good,” enthuses Glagau.

Dümmel wants numbers. With a bag, the “Stack” grill costs 249 euros, it is produced for 130 euros. With that, Glagau is out. “Too little yield.” That scares Schulz too. Maschmeyer does not give any money either. “The niche is too small for me.”

All eyes are on grill fan Dümmel. And he bites. “I think it’s amazing what you’ve developed there, I’ve never seen anything like it and I know the barbecue industry.” He offers 80,000 for 30 percent. Founder Rafael sheds tears of joy.

Things get colorful for the next founders, Hannah Scheuren (28) and Hannes Ftuni (37) from Bochum: The two work in the same company and developed “Kylies Cuppa” together. “We could never enjoy our favorite drink Bubble Tea at home, we found that sad.”

“Kylies Cuppa” is an orderable bubble tea box that anyone can use to prepare their tea at home. Each box, which is also available as a subscription, contains all the ingredients for five different bubble teas: sauce, infusion and bubbles . They want 200,000 euros for 15 percent of the company shares.

The lions get to taste the bubble tea, which comes from Taiwan, the main ingredient of which is green tea and which is made special by the small balls.

“I love bubble tea,” Williams says happily. Ensthaler is not happy at all. “I hate bubble tea.” For Dümmel it is the first time that he “bubbles”. “Ey cool. You drink, then the blisters come into your mouth and then they burst.” The lion enjoys the experience but doesn’t want to invest.

The box costs 28.95 euros, and there are five bubble teas. Williams finds that too expensive. “It tasted good, but not as good as I’ve gotten elsewhere, I’m out.”

Glagau doesn’t like the plastic bottles. And also: “Who knows where the competition is going, there have been so many drinks, I’m out.” Ensthaler doesn’t want to take part either. “That’s a lot of plastic and packaging for one drink. I don’t even like bubble tea, that’s not my business to invest in, I’m out.”

Wöhrl also gets out. “I’m not an expert, I don’t know the competition, sorry, I’m not the right investor, I’m out.” No deal for bubble tea.