Lime, also called calcium carbonate in technical jargon, is found in most layers of rock and soil. Depending on how much lime is in the ground, through which our groundwater flows and ultimately comes out again at the tap, the calcium carbonate content varies. This is also the reason why the water in some regions of Germany is particularly calcareous or low in lime – and the fittings in the bathroom have more or less deposits. In the end, however, it doesn’t matter how much limescale is deposited on the tap, because the fact is: With the right hand movements, you can easily remove the white edges. Regardless of how much lime has been deposited on the fittings.
Limescale not only offers the ideal breeding ground for germs, but also ensures that less water flows through the tap – because the filter inside is also clogged by the deposits over time. In the end, the water splashes in all directions, just not where it’s supposed to end up: in the sink. To ensure that the water jet can flow straight again, all you have to do is decalcify the sieve. To do this, proceed as follows:
But other home remedies have also turned out to be real decalcification miracles, such as cola and aspirin – or amidosulfonic acid: The powder is also dissolved in water (about five grams per 500 milliliters of liquid) and briefly boiled. Then place the aerator in the hot amidosulfonic acid solution for five minutes.
An equally tried and tested household remedy is citric acid: You can also use the powder dissolved in cold water to soak the individual parts of the aerator for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, you can dip a microfiber cloth in the water and clean the calcified fittings from the outside. The citric acid is also suitable for kettles.
Last but not least, you can of course also use ordinary anti-limescale detergents to remove the white edges on the fittings. The external deposits do not impede the water jet, but they do not look very nice and also spread more and more if they are not removed regularly.
And one more tip at the end: To avoid annoying limescale deposits in the future, you simply have to keep the tap dry – then no white edges can form.
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